Thursday, March 3, 2022

A Routine Thursday? Or Not?

If I asked myself how did today go, as I would when I pick up Johnnie from school, I would have to say it went ok. Nothing particularly eventful, which is usually the way I like it. But then again there were enough surprises too which made the day a little more than ordinary. The mundane and routine? Johnnie drop-off at school. It's favorite team Tshirt day and for once Johnnie had a decent Lakers Tshirt to wear. I had looked ahead to this day for months now which is when I got the T-shirt. It was a bit too big for him when I got it. Not any more. The usual? That would be the spate of team meetings I have today, starting with the IS Team, then my one-on-one with my boss Dennis and then the EHR Team all the way to noon.  Surprisingly, I guess Dennis was given a whole bunch of stuff from Barbara for me to update. I think she is starting forget stuff, as 3 out of the 4 things we were already actively talking about. How do I tell Dennis to tell her I'm holding off implementing that Sharepoint site she has in her head as late as I possibly can. I did tell him it's going to be useless and no one is going to use it. BUT I will go forward and do it anyway. And then of course the EHR Team seems to have all kinds of issues always. But the biggest one is still how to deal with the general incompetency of our staff with the EPIC system. Should I accept the fact that we hire people below a certain level of competency? Or is that actually an incorrect statement. I am leaning towards the latter. After all, there are no bad students, just bad teachers. I've always said and believed that. Now I get to put my money where my mouth is. 
What WAS different was that I didn't stay in for lunch. I went out and got a couple of beef bowls from Yoshinoya, just to break the monotony of what I was eating all week. Besides I had to get out to allow the Building Maintenance guy to fix the short in my light switch once and for all. Wouldn't you know he would discover that the light fixture in the closet was full of water? OF COURSE it was shorting! Funny that the folks that were supposed to dry everything out didn't even catch it. FINALLY though I can turn the light on in my closet again. It had only been 3 weeks already! The biggest surprise of the day was Lisa calling at 4 PM. I forgot that she had the day off since she usually has lots of things to do. For once, she chilled at home and asked if we could have FAMILY DINNER NIGHT the 3 of us. How can I refuse that? She seemed in a good mood too which was a definite plus. And so it was that I dropped off Claire early so I wouldn't have to bring her with us to Mitsuwa where I was picking up dinner for all of us. Udon for Johnnie. Sushi for Lisa. Curry chicken for me. When we got to her house it was barely 5:30 PM. And at her request, I cooked up and sauteed some bok choy and green beans. I know she did that only because they were about to get spoiled. Still, I did fry them up (see the picture). And even though Lisa still managed to do something to confuse and/or irritate the peace and harmony of the evening, we managed to get through dinner just fine. What did she do? She took a phone call and ended up talking and held up our dinner. So much so I gave the go ahead for JOhnnie to get started. Hell if we're going to wait for her. BUt this way, she couldn't blame me, which is what sets her off anyway. Her blame radar manages to find me as her target. What am I to blame for? Anything. Everything. Tonight we did manage to get through the dinner fairly painlessly and when she took another phone call, I did the dishes and then went on home. It wasn't even 8 PM yet which is AWESOME. I got to go home and watch the season premiere of PICARD Season 2. If it is anything like the first one, I will be watching this on Thursdays for the next few months. Something to fill in the void of Star wars until Mandalorian 3 comes out. So was this a routine Thursday? Not exactly. But it was manageable and I am perfectly ok with that. 

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