Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Still Focused on the Physical

So this weekend's events with the bloody urine thing and yesterday's doctor appointment all but guaranteed I'd still be focused on my physical health today. That and a phone call from Dr Ariel who I saw yesterday. My PSA test came back at >6!! It was 2+ in 2014. He did say it had been so long that he wanted to retake it in 3 months to see if it would get lower and to see if it was an anomaly. I remember having high triglycerides in my 40s and only when I started having kidney stones the 2nd time in 2018, and I decided to eat more fruit, drink smoothies in the morning, eat less meat, avoid sodas did I finally get really good triglyceride readings finally. I am fairly sure I could do the same and improve my PSA test reading. Of course that would mean a similar dietary change. Hmm, I posted a pic of me making beef broccoli home-made style too. I better enjoy it. Looks like I'm going to need to start eating less red meat and immediately too. That and cut off caffeine too. I guess no more Earl Grey for me. I decided I'm going to muscle test every single thing I eat from now on LOL LOL. Anyway I made a pit stop at Primo's Donuts for breakfast this morning right after I dropped Johnnie off at school. I wanted to walk and do my steps early. AND I felt like having a ham-and-cheese croissant. I mean Primo's Donuts IS the primary donut shop on the Westside after all.  That and some green tea <Zen> still made for a decent breakfast. And after a couple of meetings that went by really quickly <heck my own Data Team meeting lasted all of 15 minutes> and by 11:30 I felt like I had already worked enough for the day LOL. But then again all that meant was I had time to fit in all the energetic stuff. The Image Cycling, listening to frequencies, and OBTW I decided to buy a Rife machine too. I was all set to get a Spooky2 rife until I ran into a video comparing that device and a Healy device, which was also supposed to be able to do the same stuff, eXCEPT... it was portable and ran by an app on your smartphone. How cool is that. And so I pivoted and purchased a Healy device instead. Another modality I have to try right? 
Anyway, by 4:30 PM I picked up Johnnie from school. Yes it was early. AND I actually left earlier than that. I picked up his dinner from Panda Express BEFORE I went to Mar Vista STAR. He has his first Spanish lesson in earnest today and I needed to get him home by 5 PM. AND I needed to have his dinner already ready to go by the time the lesson got done a half hour later. Today his teacher focused on state words, as in how are you feeling states. And so I myself listened in and learned about triste <sad>, feliz <happy>, enojada <mad> and cansado <tired>. Cool that I am learning too even though I'm not even in the lesson. I also brought back Panda Express for me and now that I am mulling a dietary makeover, I don't know if I can eat the chicken and green beans over fried rice and chow mein either. Maybe I'll do Johnnie's kids meal too LOL LOL. Anyway, I felt like he did really well in his class today and so I let him watch even more Dragon Rescue Riders. And let him have his fill of ice cream sandwiches and cookies. In the meantime, I get a text that Lisa's is at the Clippers game courtside. Pretty impressive but to be candid, I didn't really care. I had too much on my mind. As in I am on the internet researching all kinds of energetic frequencies to deal with my physical stuff. Clearly that is what my focus is on and I am trying to move my attention to the non-physical energetic stuff. I have my urinary system, my supposedly enlarged prostate and high blood pressure. It is clear that something is out of balance. It is clear that I have to pay attention and make changes. I am not really focusing on Western medicine too much as it merely reinforces the focus on symptoms. I saw a pretty good video with Christopher Duncan about NOT NEEDING TO HEAL ANYTHING. If you put too much attention on healing a condition, you are merely reinforcing the condition. Instead I need to focus on the outcomes I want. A healthy and normal prostate, a healthy urinary system, normalized blood pressure and a healthy heart. Those are truly just as important as having all the money in the world. For even if you do have the latter, quality of life matters too. As is spending quality time with your loved ones. For me, that would be the last picture on this post. Johnnie with HIS loved ones. Fuzzy and Claire the dog. I remind myself that THAT is what matters most. That is why I must make sure I am well and healthy. So that I can take care of that little guy to the best of my ability. And so I did a frequency regimen this evening. And I didn't sleep as early as I would have liked because I was doing that. As far as results, I know I have to do the routine and regimen consistently at least for the next week. And that I need to remind myself, my body is NOT in control. Nor is my ego. For all I know this is simply another message of something I need to work on. And that's ok. What I need to remember is not to be afraid. <which came up today> My mind is in charge. My Higher Self is in charge. And all will be fine.

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