Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Routine Tuesday

You know how much a stickler I am for routine, which is why I felt irritation at being bumped off routine last night. I know it was simply Lisa being Lisa but then again maybe I'm also focused on the podcast I listened to for homework for our upcoming Leadership Summit tomorrow. The podcast focused on accountability and how we contribute to lack of same by empowering the asterisks. Those are the staff that we don't get rid off despite performance issues simply because. Boy do I have one of those in James don't I? And maybe I'm overcompensating and being frustrated at myself for not calling Lisa out as well. Anyway I seemed to be over it this morning, as I was the stuff from Starlette and Dr Liao. I reminded myself I still control how I react and that perhaps I am simply being tested. This morning I squarely asked my Higher Self to simply take care of all that stuff for me as really there is simply nothing for me to worry about. Not if everything turns out in MY favor right? I dropped Johnnie off at school this morning, noted that it is going to be a warm one for the 3rd day of Spring and simply got into my routine Tuesday morning. IS Team Meeting. Nothing happening there. Walk Claire. Start getting my steps in. 3300 for this morning.  No urgency there since I actually did log 16,000 steps last night. And then a soup and salad lunch. I'm really starting to get used to this stuff. But what am i going to do about tomorrow? I'm supposed to be offsite ALL DAY. Do I bring my own food? I guess these are the things special diet eaters face on a daily basis huh? The thing was I took a BP reading this morning and actually got 130/85 without having to find the arm position that would give me that. As in I simply took. That WAS my BP. Is it normal? Not quite. Just a little bit elevated.  But it is in the manageable range. Which means I can still get it down even lower couldn't I? The good thing was it was just one more thing on my image cycling list that is working its way to fruition and I couldn't be more pleased. I can't wait to get other physical stuff squared away as well. And with that I sort of cruised the afternoon away. I mean the day was so nice I couldn't very well keep myself glued to my computer couldn't I? I couldn't wait for Johnnie pick-up time so I could start the 2nd part of my day. Of course these days dinner time, any meal time actually, is dominated by what I'm going to eat isn't it? Easy enough to take Johnnie to Panda Express and get his usual. But how about me? What am I going to eat tonight? It would have been easy just to get veggies at Panda Express too. But then again I had all those vegetables at home that I bought this past weekend. Couldn't let those go to waste could I? I simply need to supplement it with some sort of protein. And so we made a pitstop at Ralphs and I got myself some tuna poke Hawaiian style. It had sweet hawaiian sauce on it which meant sugar, but hey I was simply going to cook the tuna anyway. And that is the picture I posted. My tuna poke stir fry. It turned out to be pretty darned good too. The other picture was the Tuesday night staple of Johnnie eating his dinner and Claire the dog hoping to eat some of his scraps. As it was I gave her chunks of chicken from his plate that he didn't eat. I wasn't going to give her any of MY tuna. And then off we went - me to my computer to finish up some stuff, Johnnie to his Dragon Rescue Riders. Wasn't it just a couple of months ago we were watching Wild Kratts almost every single night? Wasn't it just a year ago it was the Octonauts? I wonder how long this next phase with dragons is going to last? Just so no one thinks I park him in front of the TV after dinner until bedtime, we did manage to do some review of his Spanish for tomorrow's lesson. I was happy to see that it had stuck and that he does remember. He also did some more drawings of his dragons now that THAT seems to dominate his creative juices at the moment. As for me, I was trying to get ahead of tomorrow's day. I did decide to bring my own food and I had grilled some salmon earlier in the afternoon. That will be lunch. AND I ironed my shirt for tomorrow. Hadn't done that in more than a year. More than 2 really. Johnnie was in bed by 9. And by then I was doing my Healy sessions. I did PURE this morning. And I did RELEASE tonight. Just another routine Tuesday.

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