Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Different Realities

So I AM finding that the more I anchor to my image cycling, the more they are feeling real. Which bodes well for their manifestation. I mean I am manifesting all the time already. I can even feel an increase in money flow and the feeling of wealth generally. And of course, even with that little hiccup with the blood-in-the-urine thing, it is looking more and more like a simply louder message than usual that I need to change something.  Something I need to shift my focus on. And still all is fine after all that. Today the duality of a reality I envision to my current reality butted heads a little bit in the morning. Because it's Tuesday I only had my team meeting to do and then I had other catch-up stuff on other projects. After all, people are still pinging me left and right. I remind myself NOT TO REACT and simply to keep providing as much value as I can. All will take care of themselves, all goes in my favor. That said, the second I got done with my meeting, I sort of shifted my focus from work to other-than-work stuff. I watched more vibrational videos from Sapien medicine. I did even more image cycling as I noticed I did the bulk of it already while walking around my neighborhood this morning. AND I got caught up downloading some books on vibrational frequencies, and energetic healing more and more. Eventually, I want to provide value that way, to help heal others or maybe to help bring information to folks to help them heal themselves. As I am experiencing now and to help people awaken to their energetic bodies more so than the Western medicine biochemical focus. I understand it takes more focus to get consistent. It's like my golf game. I can't just show up and start swinging away. I actually need to make sure my intention and my focus are aligned. And then I need to learn to let go. I did that this morning by introducing "Wouldn't be cool if..." statements. Wouldn't it be cool if my investment accounts already totalled more than $1Million. It isn't that far off after all already. Wouldn't it be cool if my PSA test came back normal at 2 or below? I scheduled a blood draw at Forward for Friday. We will find out soon enough. I'm already pretty sure my other cholesterol marks will be good. That's what a couple of weeks of juicing and no meat will do. As far as my Blood Pressure, I need to simply learn to lower it myself on demand. I already do it. I simply need to do it more intentionally. And consistently. Just like my golf game. Sigh. Anyway all that to make it easier to release and detach. The very last step before manifestation. Give it to the Source. I'm actually very pleased that I am concentrating more focus and attention to all these activities. Looking at my past books shows that I was already exposed to all these modalities and systems in the past. What was lacking was consistency and focus. I let the grind of daily life take over. I think I'm getting better at balancing that now. This morning was a pretty good example. Two realities tugging at one another. But at least I was aware. And the balancing act is something I need to continue to do until the manifestation takes place.  And there isn't just the reality of work either. Come 5 PM, my primary job takes over. Picking up Johnnie and then optimizing the next 3 hours I have with him. Making sure he remains grounded and a happy kid. We went to  Sawtelle Panda Express for his dinner of course. And when I got home, there is also the reality of my new eating patterns. I chopped up a bunch of veggies. Cabbage, squash, red pepper, red onion, spinach. Threw in some shrimp and voila... a pretty good shrimp stir fry. No carbs or anything. It was still pretty darn good. And then the last picture in the group says it all. That's Johnnie doing his jumping and running indoors just to burn off some energy. By then we had done his Spanish review, his math review, and his writing exercises. He earned playtime. He earned his Dragon Rescue Riders video.  And by bedtime, he was also pretty tired. As was I.  I still had to do my PURE Healy Routine of course to clean up energetically. I noticed that my REsting Heart Rate had stayed at 66 today. That's another first. The 'thermostat' seems to have lowered. That's a very good thing. I closed my eyes and went to sleep satisfied that I had had a pretty good day. I realized that I hadn't done much, not really. But I didn't have to do anything. I just had to feel good all day. That I did. THAT I did.

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