Thursday, March 17, 2022

Eezy Breezy

The day after Tech Council Meeting day is usually a chill day and I intended today to be no different. Already first thing it promised to be a warmer than usual and as the day progressed, it kept its promise. Nothing like taking an afternoon work to pad up my steps count and enjoy the warmth of the sun on my face and hear the breeze blowing through the palm trees on the street. Lovin' the M&M moment obviously. The day started so easy that I immediately did my Thursday download of the latest Picard Season 2 episode and spent a good hour watching the latest exploits of Picard with the Borg queen in between the IS Team Meeting, my meeting with Dennis, and my meeting with the EHR Team meeting. Oh and of course the walk with Claire outside too. All of that pretty much took up the entire morning. And then all I had left on my mind was what I was going to eat for lunch. That occupies my mind a great deal these days. It is way harder to eat healthy than it is to eat regular crap food all the time. That may be the challenge perhaps, but I do agree that even the entire Covid thing is really a case in how unhealthy a lot of American people are. Those were the ones that got the virus, got hospitalized, and some even worse. That is the point of this healthy eating though isn't it?! I will admit I do feel better in the morning thought I am not so sure it isn't just the healthy eating and a lot of juicing, but a combination of that and the energy image cycling stuff I have been doing, the release work that I have been doing, the frequency stuff I've been doing and as of a couple of days ago, work with the Healy device. I think simply getting off meat should already help although the trip to Whole Foods this morning to get fresh-squeezed juice. I got the juice alright. It seemed a lot better than the one I tried last week. Until I tasted a whole mouthful of parsley. That overpowered the sweetness of the apples like crazy. Still I had to believe that was very beneficial for me. For lunch I had leftover lentil soup with some spinach stacked in there for good measure. And I had a mini-version of the old Lisa salad. Without the cheese. I was plenty full at the end of all that.
At the end of the day when it was close to the time to pick up Johnnie, I trekked to Panda Express Sawtelle to get him his dinner. I figured we weren't going to leave the house anymore once we got done with his Spanish class. Speaking of which, today was more or less a review of yesterday - which was all about colors. Johnnie did so well yesterday and as far as I could tell he did just fine today too. His teacher sort of gameified the lesson with crossword puzzles, and stuff so it turned out to be fun for Johnnie too. And then while he wolfed down his teriyaki chicken, I made myself some stir fried veggies and mahi mahi too. I could get used to eating fish almost every day. I do have to say I don't feel like I'm eating less, just that I'm not bloated with meat. So tonight being a Thursday and a Thursday without piano lessons for Lisa, I got a call from her around 6:30. Of course she was at her office. Of course she had work stuff she had to do. She asked for Johnnie to get dropped off at 7:30 and I almost felt bad just yanking him from his Dragon Rescue Riders TV show. I mean look at the picture of me, him, and the dog. That's pretty much our evenings mostly. Just having fun, goofing off. As it was Lisa beat us to her house and then I went back home to mine, to do some Healy scans. I did the RELEASE program again and like the first time, I felt tired right afterwards. Not as sleepy as last night, but I do feel like the device is doing SOMETHING. We'll see what the metrics say right? Oh BTW, tonight was the first night of the NCAA Mens Basketball tournament. Yes, March Madness is upon us. UCLA escaped with a win in its 1st round game. Let's hope they play better the next game...

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