Sunday, March 13, 2022

Daylight Savings Sunday

It is Daylight Savings Sunday which means clocks spring forward. Which means we lose an hour. Fortunately, our tee time today is not until 10:30 at Harbor so no big deal there. What do I do for breakfast though?  No more double sausage egg McMuffin for a while.  No Earl Grey hot tea either. And I just bought a whole new box! Oh well, I guess I get to drink the extra celery and apple juice I made yesterday. And threw in a banana too. That will hold me for the morning. But for how long is the question. I shrug off all these thoughts and just simply made my way to the golf course. I note that it has been a week since the blood-in-urine incident at Roosevelt last week. And I will say that by today it is no more than a blip in my awareness. Whatever was wrong, I think I'm good now. Of course there is still the prostate stuff I need to address but that is merely to rectify an error in my thinking too and that I continue to work on. Still, it is just another nice Sunday out and today Scott and I are paired up with 3 different singles. I knew from my first shot off the tee that I'd have at least an ok game, unlike Penmar last Thursday when I shanked my first shot. In fact, I got a bogey on Hole 1 which was very encouraging. I was on in 4 shots on Hole 2, but then I took 3 putts to sink it so that wasn't good. But at least it wasn't a legit blow-up hole. On Hole 3 I thought I played the best. I was legit on in 3. But I was too far from the hole and missed a par putt. Another bogey. Same with Hole 4. I was on in 3 yet again. Missed a par putt for a bogey. The long hole 5 I was already on the fringe after 3 shots. Again I miss a par putt for a bogey. And that was the story actually. I ended up with 6 bogeys today. If I hit a good tee shot, I'd whiff the fairway drive. Or I might have hit a not-so-good tee shot, but then recovered with a great shot following that. BUT I continue to miss my par putts. 3 of those were make-able, meaning they were 10 feet or less. Still, I couldn't be that unhappy. I ended up having a pretty decent game. After the game it was what to do for lunch. I noted that usually when I play at Harbor I make a stop at IN-N-Out El Segundo. Not today. I did find my way to Rubio's in Marina del Rey and got myself some fish tacos. One cod, one mahi-mahi, one shrimp. That's healthy enough right? OK OK I did indulge in a few chips, but that was it. Man, is this the way it is going to be for the next few days or weeks? I gotta think about what I eat all the time? I went home and washed everything down with fresh squeezed OJ, from the couple I took from Lisa's tree. Pretty sweet at that. And then I did some more of my NSDR sessions. I couldn't call it a nap really. But I felt really good afterwards. So good, I just started cleaning the apartment. I set my new robot vacuum loose and started wiping down whatever had dust on it. And in less than 20 minutes, I actually cleaned and tidy'd up the place! AND THEN I retired to my computer and started doing the work I had planned on doing on Friday. I started with timecards of course. Then updated COVID stats. And when I looked up, it was still light out. But it was already close to 7 PM! Again with the thought: what to do for dinner. Actually, yesterday I bought some hearts-of-palm linguini. Gonna have me some plant spaghetti tonight. Put in a few pieces of shrimp, chopped up tomatoes, celery, onion, a dab of Prego and you know it actually turned out to be pretty darn good. And filling too. And then I watched the latest episodes of the new Walking Dead with some green tea. I'm kind of over that series already, just something to chill on for my Sunday night. I did get mostly finished with prep work for my COVID data to finish off tomorrow. Weekend over. But I am good to go.

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