Friday, April 1, 2022

April Fools

So today is Friday AND it's the first day in April AND it's April Fool's Day. That last bit isn't so important anymore, not like when I used to pull pranks on people. BUT, this morning is important because I have an appointment at Forward to get a bunch of labs done. I figured I might as well find out what my numbers are, and be interested to see how almost a month of pescatarian eating and no meat and minimal carbs and sugar has affected same. I got up first thing, did the routine of getting Johnnie's Daily Pass AND booking next Sunday's golf tee time [I finally got Harbor!!], and actually did some really nice centering meditation that had me pretty energized for the morning. I was inspired to actually get my steps in, at least 3000 of them anyway, before I headed out to my lab appointment. Of course Lisa had to drop off Claire, and she was still visibly to me anyway, still smoldering from whatever it was that was bugging her last night. I mean she was already too tired to do much when I dropped Johnnie off and so this morning I'm sure she is stewing about something at work. The better to simply let her go and not be around that energy for even a minute or so.  Instead I took a shower, did a load of laundry and then by 10 AM, headed off to Century City. Right away the numbers looked dramatically better. As in I now weigh 166 lbs. That after hovering near 180 lb for the better part of the last 10 years. I mean a 14 lb drop in a month is pretty good no matter who it is. And so I got my blood drawn for the entire complement of a check-up including my PSA, got a colon screening test to take home and finally finally I immediately got a juice at the shop across the way just as soon as the appointment was done. My hands were getting cold my blood sugar was down. But I wasn't really in any discomfort or anything. Probably because my blood sugar was already pretty stable and not doing those really highs and lows I would usually experience. For good measure I went to the food court and got me some salmon poke to take home for lunch. Probably the healthiest little bowl of food I could eat, even if it did cost me $13. Being healthy and eating healthy is far more expensive to be sure. Mainly because you have to avoid the fast, east, cheap fast food stuff that has become almost the staple diet of most in this country.  
Appointment out of the way, I went on home and did a couple of work things. This being the first Friday of the month of course we had to do the FRB Birthday thing. It really hasn't been the same as it used to be for the last few months. I mean we still get a pretty good base attendance, about 22 - 25 people or so but now every department is simply playing an online game. We can't do food of course and at least we can say we've gotten together in a way we haven't in more than 2 years now. I still win my share of games, Greg is still busting my chops and anyone else's really, Faith is still whining about not winning.  And then after that was the Town Hall check-in for next week. Why does it feel like we're doing nothing but Town Halls? Anyway it did help pass the afternoon and before I knew it it was already time to pick up Johnnie from school. I will say that I felt really really good today. I sprinted seemingly without effort when I fetched my new juicer. I remember when I spent $250 on such a thing in the 80s. This one hardly cost me $70.  I felt light and full of energy. Anyway, tonight I knew Lisa wouldn't be coming home for a while yet. So for dinner, it was chicken noodle soup and penne night for Johnnie and for me, chickpea spaghetti and Beyond meatballs. Johnnie made short work of the penne. And then afterwards, he shared my spaghetti with me too. He had no idea it was vegetarian. Just he and I sharing a bowl of spaghetti. Little things like that are the things people remember forever.  He probably would also remember the ice cream sandwich AND the chocolate chip cookie he ate afterwards as well LOL.  So today I was so ahead on steps that I was already at 11,000 by the time we got done with dinner. And this being a Friday I simply joined Johnnie watching his Dragon Rescue Riders. I AM starting to get really familiar with all the characters myself. Hiccup, and Astrid, and Tuffnut and Ruffnut, Fishlegs and Snoutlout. I let Johnnie watch to his hearts content until 8:15 and then I figured I'd have him at Lisa's house by the time she got there. 8:30, 8:45 came and no Lisa. I got Johnnie prepped for bed and we even read a night time book. Wasn't it just yesterday he would watch Bert and Ernie before he went to bed? Today we read his book and he was off to sleep 10 minutes later. It was 9 PM by then. Still no Lisa. By 9:30 I called her. Of course she was still in her office. She's whining about being a terrible mother and not getting to even see Johnnie tonight. I am not understanding where she doesn't realize that is simply A CHOICE. Even when I pointed out to her she at least gets to see him for more than 24 hours at a time when in comparison, I never get to do that, she had to response. She was simply stuck in her own lamentation.  I told her I will simply be there at her house until she got home. She did finally close to 10 PM. This was obviously the latest she had stayed at work when Johnnie was with me. I told her I'd be back first thing and then headed home myself. I simply tried to become aware of my own energy. What did annoy me? That Lisa is simply being Lisa? That she is once again wresting control? I focused on how good of a day this was otherwise. I did my Healy session to heal and then knocked off to bed. Truth is that it WAS a good day. A good start for a brand new month.

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