Saturday, August 6, 2022

Spectating Today; REST DAY

I went home from Lisa's feeling just fine. But by the time I was about to fall asleep and not even an hour after I had gotten home, I had developed a pain in my lower left abdomen, right around where my bladder was. At first it was a dull ache, which I have had before and which would have been easy enough to ignore. And then the pain level went from 3 to maybe a 6 or 7. Not searing pain, but enough not to ignore, and enough to keep me from falling asleep. What the heck was this now? Immediately, I thought prostate, but my thinking said no. And then stones came up, but the pain was in a different area. Not in my back when I have had kidney stones flareups in the past. This was more towards the front. Is it still stones? Immediately I went through a whole arsenal of fields and audios which addressed the pain and the physical condition. But then I went through the emotional underlying causes. What I got was that if bladder, then it's ANGER, if it's kidney then it's FEAR. And it could very well be both. What was bringing up anger? I thought about the last meeting of Friday, which was the IS Audit meeting Did THAT trigger an anger response underneath? Did I repress that somehow? And then the FEAR response... was that in relation to my job? I did an entire round of tapping on this stuff. First I went through flushes and negative energy clearing videos, then reverse negative effect videos, then a tapping script to remove underlying energies to bladder/kidney/urinary tract issues, then at least 3 videos on rife frequencies specific to urinary problems, and then reiki healing to release anger and fear, and finally, a frequency video from Elke Neher to unblock the bladder meridian. After that last one, I could finally feel my bladder sort of relax and the energy go through. The thing was that this entire deal took at least 3 hours. And by the time I finally was able to get some sleep it was almost 4 AM in the morning. The good thing was that I think I was able to heal myself, at least mostly. There was still a residual feeling of a dull ache, but it was no more than a 2. And when I woke up at 7 AM, I felt much better. I realized I needed to go to Lisa's house to pick up Johnnie since it was a Saturday work day for Lisa. But when I got to her house, no mom, no son, no dog. I guess they had taken off. And then I saw her text that they had left early and I'm supposed to pick up Johnnie at her office. Ok then. I picked them up and was reminded to have them back by 12:30 because Heidi and her boys were there and were hanging out after their procedures. I saw it as a pretty good sign because I was now running on fumes already from lack of sleep. This way I still get some time with Johnnie and then I have the rest of the day to veg out and recover. 
And so off we went to a usual Saturday routine. Breakfast at Elysee, carwash, grocery shopping at Sprouts. And we got all that done well before 10 AM. And when we got home, Johnnie immediately went to his Pokemon videos. I mostly stayed on the couch and drifted in and out of nap/sleep while he watched videos until I realized we had to leave to get lunch since I needed to drop him off by 12:30. Off we went to Panda Express to get him his teriyaki chicken and I tried to make do with a tuna sandwich. I wasn't hungry though. I was tired. And I also realized that although I felt much better than last night and the pain had pretty much subsided, I knew my body was also recovering as well. And so I HAPPILY dropped off Johnnie and Claire at Lisa's house and went back home to repeat last night's regimen just to make sure. Audios and frequencies to clear emotional blockages. Oh and I ate the rest of Johnnie's teriyaki chicken too. He had left half of the bowl. I guess he wasn't so hungry. I pretty much stayed on the couch the rest of the afternoon. Watched the movie Thirteen Lives about those kids in Thailand who were trapped in a flooded cave a couple of years back and the international effort to save them. High drama. And then I watched the Dodgers dismantle the Padres again. I even put up a picture of that one from the Stadium. Made it feel like I was there on a pretty afternoon. But I wasn't going to be moving around much today. And with that breaks a streak of doing at least 10,000+ steps. Not that I hadn't done less than 10,000. but this time I stopped at less than 6000. And the last time I did that was when I was sick many years ago or when I was suffering from something. My total active minutes for today? 1 minute. I figured I had had a pretty active week, a long week in fact. And I ran around like crazy. I could stand a REST DAY. With a normal day tomorrow, I'd still be averaging well in terms of steps and active minutes. I had some pasta and turkey bolognese, and caught up on rest and caught up on sleep.

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