Monday, August 22, 2022

Lingering Negative Energy

So yesterday I had mentioned off-energy I sensed first thing. Today that seemed to manifest physically again, this time in the form of a scratchy throat. Although, I am not so sure it wasn't because I had a fan blowing in my face all night long while listening to some healing chamber acoustics. Either way I needed to get going early this morning because I'm scheduled to be at Westlake North to babysit yet again, for at least the morning. I had scheduled an install for Frontier fiber this afternoon mainly because it seemed much cheaper than Spectrum. We shall see. Promised to be a un-routinely busy Monday though. For some reason Marina scheduled me to babysit Westlake North today AND tomorrow. I'm not so sure I'm as unbothered as I let on about that. At best, it's a pain in the ass to be driving down to K-town in the morning. And so I started the day with a walk around the neighborhood if just to get my bearings and to get centered. Besides, no reason why I shouldn't shoot for the usual 15000 steps Monday especially since I pulled it off last week already and it was the busiest work Monday I had had in quite a while. And I was running well behind into the afternoon in terms of the number of steps. And still I made 15,000. No excuse for today then. And so it was that I headed off to the Health Center after my walk and after a shower and it took only an hour for the day to be turned on its head. That's when a Frontier installer called me to let me know he's in front of my building. W-h-a-t? I thought the install was this afternoon!! I did not want to miss this chance so I told him to wait and I hurried back home. Fortunately traffic wasn't as bad as I thought and I actually got there in 24 minutes.  And then I would find out that he needed to get in to the MPOE room. But of course the leasing office is closed and there is no one around with a key. Sigh. And so I now have to reschedule the install. Double sigh. I rushed all the way home for nothing it turned out. Oh well, at least I could have some home-made lunch at my apartment. I made my tuna salad and had a healthy sandwich. Only to find out i was still hungry. So I stopped at BK down the block from the clinic on the way back... because of course I had to come all the way back. I left my computer there.  I got a fish sandwich and went on with the day. At least I got a scheduled meeting in, tried to answer some staff questions and I went home by 4 PM.  By then it had gotten considerably warmer. Also by then I had gotten to 8000 steps.
Time Travelling. How did I do that you asK? By doing static steps in the Manager's office. That is to move my arms vigorously while barely moving my feet up and down. This action actually does speed up my heart rate to the point where I'm 120 bpm+. Good enough to get me to 70 active minutes by that time as well. One thing I did notice when driving home today was driving through Hoover and the USC area which reminded me of the route I used to take to go from USC to Lisa's old apartment at the Orsini back in the day. As in circa 2006. The early days is what I call those and I still fondly recall July - Aug 2006 as one of the happiest time periods of my life. I remember around this time in 2006 when Lisa got her first dental job and I got rehired by USC at USC Stevens and we celebrated having to return to work. Same energy as Johnnie returning to school last week. Funny thing. I prefer those pleasant memories CLEARLY to July 2018 when I left Maplewood or the energy of leaving Lindbrook August 2016. I still need to do some clearing on those every now and again. But at least there ARE those pleasant memories to override the not-so-pleasant ones. Maybe THAT is one reason I'm being made to spend time here at Westlake North. Despite the clusterfuck that was this morning, I at least got that internet install rescheduled to next week and at the end of the day, I was able to clear away the negative residue of whatever was bugging me at the beginning of the day. Of course there was the Johnnie pick-up and today mom and son was not in the middle of some scheduled something or other.  Sometimes I will admit I'm still torn between picking up Johnnie as fast as I could OR indulging Lisa's attempts to be social and spend time. Today it was checking out her new ADT system. Which wasn't really totally working yet. But I knew she saw my impatience at having to stick around. Hey at least I didn't say anything didn't I? I tried to be respectful. But I had lots to do. Still gotta bake cookies for Johnnie. Boil eggs for the week. And of course I knew Johnnie wanted to go to my apartment already. It's our time together now. And he underscored that by giving me a massage actually (see pic). Of course I had to give him one too. And that made me realize that I was tired tonight. More tired than usual, and not from the steps either. I needed some sleep I think. Nice, healing sleep. I went to bed same time as Johnnie did. He needed the rest too I think. I don't even know what they did the last couple of days. But I KNOW he needed it. We're all good.

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