Sunday, August 21, 2022

Golf at Roosevelt

I woke up today sluggish and a bit sore in my lower back. Is it simply all the healing stuff I've been listening to while I sleep <which I've done all week> because I can't think of what would have made me sore from the last couple of days. Maybe I'm just lagging behind in recovery time from the entire week? Plus I'm feeling a surge of what I call yuk energy, like something negative is lingering around that I definitely need to shake. That part I know I simply need to go within and do some release exercises. Probably just some stuck energy that has surfaced BECAUSE of all the audios I've been listening to. While doing the release stuff,  I'm thinking about Scott at this time since he did divulge last week that he had been having issues with his hip and was leaning towards hip replacement. I'm trying to remember what he was like a dozen years ago. Closer to 15 years actually since I went to my old journals and read where he was already playing with us way back in 2008! I didn't describe my golf game then as eloquently as I do these days LOL, but I do remember hitting long shots already and aspiring to do those as consistently as Scott did then. These days he complains of being a short hitter now. And to be fair, it's a really good day when he can hit the. ball 200 yards. Today that was the part of my game I really liked. Like I was really hitting bombs off the tee, which meant I was able to shake off all that yuck energy from the morning. Of course I had a blowup hole right off the bat on Hole 1, on a Hole I usually expect to hit a par on. And the 2nd hole was better, but still took me 6. And the 3rd Hole went way right and my 2nd shot went short. Not the way I wanted to start this game. I settled myself down and just focused on the hole in front of me. And lo and behold on Hole 4, I hit a great shot off the tee, hit a nice fairway shot that almost made it all the way to the green, hit a bump and run that went well past the hole, but then I sank a long-ish 10-ft putt to make a PAR! Awesome. That energy would carry over to the next hole, where I hit a nice tee shot, and the funnel hole after that, and even on Hole 8. Actually I didn't hit many shots that I'd say were fairway whiffs. Maybe a couple. Far less than usual. What did not work for me was the bump and run stuff from the fringe where I would end up missing the hole and running the ball past it by a lot. Made me work extra hard. Still, I ended up with 3 other bogeys besides the par. I did't get 2 pars that I wanted, but hey I did not play badly at all. Scott did not get any pars but hey, we were simply thankful we got done by 11:30, it was actually overcast mostly so it wasn't all that hot, and we got to play yet again, which is something I will no longer take for granted.
At least the weekend pics included old friends yesterday, and an old friend today. And I am grateful for that. I remind myself that the SECRET OF LIFE IS ENJOYING THE PASSAGE OF TIME. And today I did enjoy the golf game, and was glad not to have sucked LOL. Since I was down there anyway, I had lunch at Sidewalk Grill, and for once I ate some of the rice, and swapped the lentil with tomato soup A pretty nice lunch if I do say so and I was still able to get home before 1 PM. And I was still able to watch the Dodger game from the couch for the next couple of hours. It's not like I was never sore 14 years ago from playing golf. In fact, I do remember taking naps in the afternoon afterwards. I did manage to get up off the couch and took my scooter to enjoy the afternoon sun by finishing my grocery errands. And then while eating chicken mushroom that I sautéed for the 2nd Sunday in a row, an old series returned tonight. That would be the Game of Thrones sage, but it wasn't GoT. It was a new series called House of Dragon which was the story of the Targaeryans 200 years before the time of the GoT episodes. This DEFINITELY would fill the void left by the many years we all got used to watching GoT. And of course I had to specifically renew my HBOMax subscription just to see it. It was just the first episode of course, just like S01 E01 of GoT merely set the foundation for the stories to come. But it was still GoT flavor and tonight, for this first episode it was more than sufficient. After watching it, I got caught up watching ANOTHER HBOMax series. That would be Warrior, which based on stories by written by Bruce Lee. Of course it was about the Chinese American experience in the 1870s kind of like what Kung Fu would have looked like but in San Francisco, not somewhere out in the Western plains. Lots of martial arts, lots of fights and violence, lots of sex. But hey wasn't it the same with House of Dragon? In fact, the caesarian procedure was something I had to turn away my head from. And so it was that I spent Sunday night in front of the TV and not doing any healing stuff. I felt like the sleep stuff I was doing seemed to be working and I will continue to do those. In the meantime, another end of the weekend, another start of the work week tomorrow. I really do have to get off this hamster wheel sooner rather than later...

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