Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Back At Westlake North

So I figured that Johnnie and I are coming down or have come down with a minor cold. It's funny, scratchy throat + cough and I'm scrambling to get tested for COVID. Used to be a cold was just a cold and I would just ignore it. But to be fair, I have not had a cold in more than 2 years either. And it wasn't even like it was a bad cold or anything. Just a scratchy throat and for Johnnie, lots of coughing. Note: I tested negative for COVID ok? And anyway, it didn't seem to bother Johnnie much. I dropped him off at school and there he was off and playing with James and Brooklyn. I'm really glad he's sort of growing up from toddler Johnnie into little kid Johnnie and that is just fine with me. Soon as I dropped him off I went home and got dressed and took off for Westlake North, where I'm playing manager for the 2nd day in a row. I'm not really sure what I'm expected to do other than I.T. stuff. Today I was asked about employee benefits, the security guard asked if he could go to lunch the same time the PSRs do. I mean why not? The clinic is supposed to be closed but I didn't care. I'd stand watch in the waiting room while everyone was out at lunch. That's what a manager does right? Today I had the most frustrating morning because my DELL XPS13 experienced all kinds of network issues. To the point where I was starting to take out my frustrations with my team. Is it the network? I don't know. Is it my laptop? Maybe. But I acknowledge I was frustrated as hell and mainly because I didn't bring my Mac. So I couldn't do personal stuff because those websites were blocked. Or at least they were blocked on MY work DELL. Grrr. By noon I decided I'd take a walk. I needed to keep up my steps count anyway and build on the great start from yesterday. I found a Chipotle about a half a mile from the clinic, right past PIH hospital. It's strange that the neighborhood the clinic is in is decidedly low-income. But a few blocks away is where the downtown area starts and where Chipotle was located and THAT area was not low-income for sure. How would you explain rich-looking white kids eating at Chipotle that either go to USC or go to a magnet high school nearby. Or living at the building a block away that reminded you of the Orsini where Lisa used to live in dental school and where I would spend time when we were first starting to date. Another nod to a happier past (at least as far as she and I were concerned. Why all this re-living all of a sudden?) That is my question to myself. I noticed that there were no vagrants or homeless people around there either. Just people taking a break for lunch. It is definitely the middle-to-high class. And I was there and enjoyed my steak bowl over fajita vegetables. And when I walked back to the clinic, it felt like walking across the DMZ. And back to where poverty was more obvious. Sad actually. No different than where I live isn't it? Toney Mar Vista but a block away under the freeway, all sorts of homeless people. Of course even the way I write about it smacks of judgement doesn't it? The question is how do I exercise compassion and empathy while still keeping true to my own path? 
I mulled all this through the afternoon as I continued to have laptop issues, limiting my activity to fixing the damn thing in the first place and wishing I was home. I didn't stay until the end of the day and I was home by 4:05. I immediately took Claire out for a walk and I could already feel the breeze and the cooler temps in the westside. I picked up Johnnie at 5 PM and he was sweating as if he had just played a game of basketball. Which is what he did he would tell me. I guess Coach Tony was there and let them all play. We immediately went to Panda Express from there and picked up his dinner. And some noodles for mine. While Johnnie ate, I gave myself a haircut. It appears that I may not be needing to pay $30 for a haircut ever again. Not if I could get myself neat with just the shears I already have. It took all of 15 minutes too. I was done before Johnnie even finished eating. Which gave me time to make my own meal. Shrimp and baby boy chow added to the noodles made a fine dinner for me. And then afterwards, Johnnie had to do his evening rest and relaxation in the hot tub (see pic). Who knew this would be a Johnnie staple for his summer evenings while here at my place? He played his sink-or-float with the toys he had while he was still a baby. And while he was there, I still got to walk the dog and let her out for her evening walk, I still managed to finish my steps which added up to more than 12,000 today and got to 70 active minutes. I'm already ahead of last week's pace in fact. And I got to relax myself, watching the sun go down and twilight take over just sitting at the jacuzzi not even in the water. It was like back in the Lindbrook days when I would run at twilight. My favorite time. There I go reminiscing again LOL.  And so with that Johnnie got to wind down watching BAD GUYS which I was able to download. I wasn't as tired as yesterday. But I still wanted to have an early night knowing full well I usually sleep longest and get the most rest on the nights Johnnie is with me. I needed to take advantage. And so we were both out by 10:30. 

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