Wednesday, August 3, 2022

More Town Halls

So Town Hall Week Day 3 today was at Westlake North. Somehow I managed to make it on time to Eagle Rock yesterday. I didn't know how I was going to do it today. And again somehow, I didn't encounter much traffic getting to the Hoover exit and so even though I was even a bit later dropping off Johnnie this morning than yesterday, I was at the Westlake North facility at 8:32, off the meeting start by just a couple of minutes. I was a bit distracted by focusing too much on just getting there by 8:30 that just like yesterday, my turn came and I only had a couple of minutes to do my schpeel. And as soon as I got done I got out of there and headed on to the FRB. I had another Town Hall to do, which was the QueensCare one. Double dipping today. That one went just fine too and I even used the new videoconferencing gear at the FRB Conference Room. QueensCare Town Halls are different from the QHC Town Halls in that they are really mostly manager-based. And my deal lasted 6 minutes this time. Afterwards I debated whether to do pizza on 7th and Fig, or maybe do the Whole Foods thing again. I was about to give up both and simply go home when I ran into Rody by the elevators. They were eating there at the FRB. I decided to join them. I had NOT eaten lunch at the FRB Cafeteria since the pandemic hit and we were all sent home. That's almost 2 1/2 years. Today I joined Julie (Mobile Clinics), Rody, and Andrea Rubino at the patio. Used to be I would do that every day almost. AND I had chicken fajitas and rice and black beans. Almost like Chipotle. I loaded up even knowing that tonight I would be eating out again as per recent Wednesday night routine of having dinner with Lisa. Anyway it was nice to have lunch there again. Nice to see the skyline of the FIDM building across the street again. And even nicer that after lunch, I didn't stick around and I went on home. And for the second day in a row, once home I took Claire out for a little walk so she could pee and poop, and then I stuck myself on the couch and took a nice nap that lasted almost an hour! I didn't have good sleep last night. In fact, I hadn't had good sleep all week. But I feel pretty good regardless. No bleeding incidents, no feeling sick or tired or anything. In fact, it was as if sleeping less than 6 hours was normal. The only thing that makes it so is that I HAVE been doing meditation exercises when I do wake up in the middle of the night and even when I wake up close to 6 AM. And actually I have noticed that I am calmer and not quite as worried, or at least I am no longer giving in to FEAR and WORRY as often as I used to. 
This afternoon I looked forward to enjoying US time with Johnnie. It occurred to me that he only has 2 weeks of summer vacation left and pretty soon, our routine is going to change again. Not that the after school routine should change significantly, but also it means that summer is about to end soon as well. This summer has been pretty quite really, although all that health scare stuff in July was certainly a bit of a blip. Still, the routine of picking up Johnnie at day camp continues and today I screwed up in that when I picked him up at 4 PM, I forgot that I had the HIT Roundtable meeting at the same time. I only remembered when I got a ping from Candice Rowland reminding me. I had to do the meeting from my phone while I was driving home. And when I couldn't get a good connection, I pulled over. Right at Mar Vista Elementary School. I'm sure I found an area where I was probably close to wifi or something because that was where I did the HIT Roundtable chairs call. Weird having Mendy Kaye as my co-chair. We will have to see if we have any chemistry at all. I will say I've been lucky to have pretty good chemistry the last few years. We will see about this year. Already I could tell he was annoying Candace. Anyway poor Johnnie fell asleep in the back seat while I did the phone call and then I had to wake him up only to pick up his computer so we could go to Lisa's office to do his Spanish class. We got there on time, set Johnnie up on time, and I prepped for doing my steps in the hallway on Lisa's floor. I remembered doing this very thing <adding up my steps log> even BEFORE I had a Fitbit, and more than 5 years ago. Have I been doing the steps thing THAT long? Today I got to the 11,000+ pretty easily and got to 78 active minutes just as easily and I was already halfway through the week. Tonight Hayil, Johnnie's Spanish teacher cancelled the class at the last minute because it was her daughter's birthday. <Why couldn't she tell me earlier?> which was still ok. We were here now, we might as well do the Wednesday night dinner routine with Lisa. She actually got done early. But she was clearly distracted by any one of a half dozen things on her mind. We were going to go to Pitfire Pizza, but between Lisa having to pack up groceries that her mom brought up to the office for her <as if she was a teenager needing to get her groceries bought for her LOL LOL>, and the drapes, and forgetting her phone, and waiting for a labor lawyer to call her back to deal with a possible lawsuit, and needing to get gas,  I almost called the evening off. But I just let her do her drama thing without allowing myself to be actually in it. Fortunately she must have sensed that from me because she actually suggested we go to Thai food instead, and at the place near her house on Beethoven. PERFECT. What I did not want to do was bring the food back to her house. Or cook anything. And so we ended up going to Thai food for dinner. We ate at the restaurant. I watched Johnnie wolf down a full order of chicken satay and rice. Lisa and I split a pad see ew and some green beans in garlic sauce. It was pretty good food and I was really full after. To end up with a nice dinner after Lisa's dramatics was the PLAY-OF-THE-DAY. Though Johnnie might argue that it may be going to the hot tub for the 2nd day in a row for him <look at the pics>. Just means I won't have to shower him in the morning LOL.  A pretty good evening was what it turned out to be. And I looked forward to winding down the week.

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