Monday, August 1, 2022

A Great Energy Day

Let me first say that it's the first day of August and I can't say I'm not relieved the energy of July is behind me. It actually does feel different already. Even though I had to get up early and get ready to be at East Third Street Health Center by 8 AM. I did that so I could test the new karaoke bluetooth speaker that I spent $200 on. Yes I did some meditation but today I was actually excited to be at out of the house. It is Town Hall Week after all and today is Day 1. There was the energy of that, the energy of me presenting something though I hadn't really even thought about what to say. I was thinking I was here simply to hand out a gift card to the lucky winner of the EHR quiz. I was also eager to see if our efforts a week ago to change the tone of the presentations would produce something. And lo and behold it actually did. The C's talked at length about all the re-org stuff and what it meant to the cast and crew and I think this was what we Directors were looking for in the first place. And then there was the energy of the meeting between the Directors and Marina ad Dr Liao afterwards where we finally got to air out the tensions that came up last week about the re-org. Marina had this notion that we had some sort of 'secret' meeting. What a laugh. Anyway it was good to communicate to each other for a change. And I thought Eloisa's emotional reaction at the very end describing her own challenges with a dying parent showed vulnerability and I thought she was brave for sharing. All that and it was just the first part of the morning. I had a lot to do when I got home of course but at least I got the most important stuff done yesterday already. By 2 PM I got a call from Lisa asking if I could watch Johnnie since she had to deal with an employee that she is potentially going to terminate, and who is potentially going to hit her back with the 'creating a hostile environment' possible lawsuit. Uggh. In the end she called it off with me watching Johnnie and just asked me to come back again at regular pick-up later. That's good. It gave me a chance to catch up on steps. Can I actually try for 15,000+ today? I told myself I'd be satisfied if I took my foot off the gas some. I actually was thinking I need to put a little weight back on. So I ate empanadas from portos for breakfast, and had the bean and beef dish over rice for lunch. This way I'm not grinding myself to the bone when I do get my steps in.
By the time it was time to pick up Johnnie at 6:30 PM I had already had dinner and I was already at 13,300 steps and at 100 active minutes. In other words, I could have stopped there and I would have been satisfied. When I got to Lisa's I was expecting Johnnie to be asleep. To my huge surprise, Jorge was there. He was trying to retrieve a deleted file(s) from Lisa's document libraries that supposedly the employee she was trying to fire deleted. Jorge being the IT guru that he is found and retrieved her files of course. For which Lisa showed her gratitude by making ME take him out to dinner. I was hesitant at first, but only because I had already set up a meet-up with Stephanie Man from and I'm meeting her in person for the first time. So all of a sudden my schedule got really compressed. But then again I was happy to take Jorge to dinner. We used to have a lunch ritual for his birthday and I was truly glad to see him. That would be 2 days in a row I'd get to see old friends of mine. Lifelong friends at that. It HAD been too long. I took us to Oops because, well, Johnnie wanted to go there and of course he hadn't had dinner yet. I ordered myself some poke salad just to have something to eat. And Jorge and I got to catch up. Have I really known this guy for 20 years now? wow! And Dexter for 25 years and counting. I don't know what energy attracted a meet with my 2 oldest friends but I am happy I got to catch up with them. And then we got done by 8 PM. Just enough time to make it to my 8:15 at Starbucks with Stephanie. I set up FaceTime for Johnnie so he could just hit a button and reach me if he needed anything. I sure wasn't going to bring him. Then I would find Starbucks cafe closed. Only drive-thru was working. When Stephanie got there we decided we'd go get boba instead at Boba Time right down the block. She seemed distressed a bit that I'd leave Johnnie at home. She was attractive enough. Enough to ask her out on a real dinner date. Good part was she lived right down the street. Gots to be some kind of Universal energy too for that right? And so I had quite the unexpected Monday night evening that I could have never planned if I tried LOL. And I was sending out loving gratitude afterwards. Thank YOU Universe. Thank YOU. I had a nice reminder today about the meaning of Life watching the preview of the Orville Season Finale. The Meaning of Life is to Enjoy the Passage of Time. I enjoyed my Monday night immensely tonight. I enjoyed it very much.

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