Thursday, August 4, 2022

The Secret of Life

The Secret of Life is enjoying the passage of time. I've always liked that James Taylor song but maybe even more now in the context of hearing it as the last song in the finale of Season 3 of the Orville. And a heck of a season it was at that. And especially in the here and now when I am in the midst of expanding my own awareness to what matters most in my life on a daily basis, and trying to BE in the moment as much as I can, the lyrics to that song couldn't have hit home any stronger. The secret of life certainly was not the busy-ness I filled my morning with today. But it was sharing the excitement of Johnnie prepping for his final field trip of day camp for the summer at Knott's Berry Farm Soak City. It wasn't me forgetting to get him money for the field trip, and then finding Bank of America on Sepulveda boarded up and closed and having to go to Starbucks and get me a mint hot tea to get cash back LOL. Then again maybe it was. Or maybe it was losing same $20 or thinking I did because I forgot which pair of pants I had tucked it into. And then finding it again. How distracted was I. Reminded myself of Lisa last night and how on the verge of overwhelm she was, and so maybe I was good just letting her find her bearings however way she could. As I did this morning. I dropped Johnnie off for the day and off I went to Hollywood for the 2nd to the last Town Hall of the week. I got there barely 5 minutes after it had already started but no one noticed. And at least this would be the LAST time this week I would be scrambling to get there on time. That feeling of worry certainly was NOT the Secret of Life LOL LOL. But maybe getting in front of the crowd in Hollywood and getting a laugh out of a couple of folks WAS. Certainly doing my meetings back-to-back-to-back with my IS Team, and my EHR Team, both on the way home on the freeway, and then with my boss Dennis, THOSE were NOT the Secret of life. But maybe taking a walk to Ralphs after to get some tuna and making myself a some nice real tuna sandwich would be pretty good. And having it for lunch with tomato and basil soup.
The thing about time is that time isn't really REAL. It's just your point of view
. Another gem of a quote from the song. And I did finally get to watch the Season Finale this afternoon. In between catching up on this journal and doing some more work, this time a report to Barbara that was due today. I keep reminding myself that all this ego pissing matches I keep talking myself into aren't worth anything, just ego trying to play Mr. Important. And although Johnnie didn't actually get back from Knott's Berry Farm until really really late, as in 5:45 PM late. I would find myself chatting with Melissa, Simon's mom for a good 15 minutes while we were all waiting. This was the latest return they've had on any one field trip but who can blame them since it WAS Knott's Berry Farm Soak City. Johnnie didn't seem as excited as I thought he would be. I'm thinking he found a ride or 2 much more than his comfort level allowed him to enjoy. The tidal wave I guess seemed to have gotten him scared a bit. That's ok. He's alive isn't he? LOL. I placed the pic from more than a month before since I didn't take any pictures of him tonight. And in keeping with the theme of this post, THAT picture, the one with Johnnie and I. THAT is the Secret of Life. Making him his penne pasta and chicken broth. That I spilled the can on the floor and had to clean up the entire kitchen because it got all over. Then making me shrimp boy choy chow mein and wolfing it all down. We didn't battle/wrestle tonight Johnnie and I. But we do almost every night and THAT is how WE play. I'm thinking to myself this kid is growing up now. Better enjoy all this horseplay before he is big enough to beat me up for real LOL. Lisa came by at 8 PM to pick him up and really it was fine. No drama. Well, little drama because of course Lisa had to talk about stuff going on with her office. Hasn't she figured it out yet that all THAT is not the Secret of Life? That she asked Johnnie to give her 3 reasons why he wanted to hang out with her at her office tomorrow. It only took one. The first one. BECAUSE I LOVE YOU> Played or not, Johnnie said it. And THAT my friend IS the Secret of LIFE.

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