Friday, August 12, 2022

Day Off

I took a sick day today. It's the Friday before Johnnie goes back to school and originally I had it in my mind that we could hang out today like go to the zoo or something, or take a day trip somewhere, just so I could say I did at least one summer vacation day with Johnnie. Of course, all that was before Lisa hijacked it all by booking their weekend trip to Wisconsin so they could see Sharon and Varsha, and which inadevertently is going to cause Johnnie to miss the first day of school. The Friday non-plan I never mentioned to Lisa but I think that is also why I'm more irritated than even I expected about their weekend trip. Really it should not have affected today, but when I talked to Johnnie earlier in the week, he wanted to go to camp because it is Carnival Day for the last day of camp and he didn't want to miss that one. And I don't blame him. And so it was that I found myself going to Lisa's house early and then dropping Johnnie off at camp the same time Lisa headed off to work. And then I went on to Lisa's office to get my crown seated. It was an 8:30 appointment and I remembered these things don't usually take more than an hour. Then again you never know how busy Lisa is these days. As it was when she started on me, she was complaining about having to play manager and dentist and having to cut a check for a patient while trying to focus on dentistry. I can only hope she was in a decent mood by the time she gets into my mouth... Turned out that it felt like I got whisked in and out of there. I will acknowledge that because of my extraordinary volume of saliva output and my abnormal gagging reflex, Lisa was trying to get the crown bonded and cemented before any of my oral reflexes kicked in. And she did rush rush rush. And she got it done without any problems. Crown seated, I didn't get so much as a goodbye before Lisa moved on to her next patient. Oh well, hopefully she'll be in a better mood when I drop Johnnie off later on in the day. And so with that I went to pick up Claire at her house and went on to my apartment to tank the rest of the day. Not that much different than most Fridays really except that this time I felt no obligation to attend ANY meetings or respond to any emails. I'm supposed to have time off right? The thing was I didn't feel particularly focused today. Usually I would even get to do internal work. Instead I planted myself in front of the TV and watched and watched and watched. And I guess that would be OK too since I'm just trying to have a little downtime. 
So I picked up Johnnie earlier than usual today. As in 3:30 earlier than usual. No reason really just that I wanted to make sure we had time to have dinner before I dropped him off. And it wasn't going to be a leisurely dinner either like the usual double pick up from Panda and then Poquito Mas. Not tonight. I note that I actually had a date lined up tonight too, but my date called it off at the last minute. Guess timing is off with this recent one huh? This was why I was eager to drop Johnnie off as early as I could, simply to make a dinner date. Now there was no reason. And still I went ahead and picked up Johnnie early, went ahead and made him penne pasta in chicken broth for dinner, augmented by some fried chicken breast.  I made myself cauliflower crust pizza with pepperoni and pineapple. And by the time I collected Johnnie and Claire, dropped Claire off at Lisa's house and dropped Johnnie off at Lisa's office and gotten back home, it was 6:30. Hmmm. Maybe I could have gotten that Ahi tuna tostada from Poquito Was after all. Oh well... I spent the evening walking around my neighborhood. Got in my 11,000+ steps and 60+ active minutes. I remember doing not much of anything last Saturday and even if I did that, my numbers for the week were already decent. This being Johnnie's last official Friday of summer, I still reminded myself that I still have a couple of weeks until Labor Day weekend and not to mentally write off summer just yet. I'm still determined to have my August cancel what was a very strange last half of July what with the bleeding issues and all. Remembering last week I am even more convinced than ever that my physical issues are manifestations of stuff going on emotionally, either triggered by myself, chaos created by my Ego, or a projection from other people, mainly by Lisa actually, or people from work. And so I spent my walk time doing some cleaning and clearing mentally and emotionally. Easy enough to work out anger issues doing shadow boxing while walking LOL. I also remembered that taking a walk in my neighborhood on a Friday night was something I did a lot the first year I moved out of Maplewood, and I am doing more and more of these days.  Helps me feel centered. Until I go back in and it's back to watching some Dodgers baseball (they win again - 11th W in a row), and tonight, it was Virgin River. Don't know what about that mini soap-opera that I have latched on to. But it was what I let myself drift off to sleep to tonight. Gotta get up early again. I get to chauffeur Lisa and Johnnie to LAX and be at her house at 6:45 AM tomorrow. Ahh the irony of all that. I hold on to my thought that EVERYTHING WORKS OUT IN MY FAVOR. Even that. WE will have to see though. 

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