Friday, August 19, 2022

Ahh Friday

So this week was uneven in that it started out like gangbusters in every way. Busy at work, Johnnie's first week of school. By today, all was done, all seemed good and then already a Family Night at Mar Vista Elementary. Kind of a reprise of the Family Night in June. Didn't seem like it was so long ago still. Anyway today, it's Lisa turn to get a feel for the new routine and it would appear they got to the school early. She had called me before 8 AM to remind me to pick up Claire in her backyard. That would be the earliest in a while that Lisa would be dropping Johnnie off at school and that is a very good thing. In the meantime, I was way too distracted to do a meditation session this morning. I know I should have pushed through. Instead I went to Lisa's to pick up Claire and while there, I took a shower in the downstairs bathroom. I felt yucky in that I hadn't showered since Monday. This took care of that. And then I picked up a couple of sausage and egg McMuffins for breakfast and that officially kick-started my Friday. Of course by that time it was already well past 9 AM. It would have been great to have a chill Friday like the picture of Claire in my living room there, just chilling right there on the floor. But I still had to attend to the Salesforce Meeting close to lunchtime. But the right after that I made me a nice salmon and daal+rice lunch. Pretty healthy, which would make up for the stuff, healthy or otherwise, that I was sure to eat tonight at the Family Night. In the meantime, there were other things that were in my attention. Today is payday Friday and once again I realized that right here right now, I had over $100K cash in savings and I do need to do whatever I can to multiply that. I mean it's nice to know I have a stash to support me in case something happens to my job but I really can multiply this even more and that IS part of the plan that I hadn't done anything with just yet. And then I got a letter from Spectrum saying I'm getting a price hike. Just like that I signed up for Frontier Internet and scheduled an install for Monday. Now to do something about Spectrum TV so I can continue to watch Dodgers and Lakers games. And then I did a load of laundry too not knowing what tomorrow is going to be like since Yadira is coming up and Dexter, even in his condition, seems eager to spend time to hang out all 4 of us. Ok then.  
By 4 PM I started to prep for the Mar Vista picnic. Went to Panda Express and picked up our food. And then for whatever reason I had a hankering for nachos. And I don't mean any old nachos from Taco Bell or Del Taco either. I was thinking more like Campos Tacos. And so I tried to arrange it so I'd get all our food, including water, including our picnic chairs and all packed up and ready to pick up Johnnie by 5 PM. I did that even better. Even while having to stop at Campos Tacos I got to the school bEFORE 5 PM, and just around the same time Brooklyn's parents were getting there. And we parked the same place we did last June at the end-of-school Family Night. I remember it got pretty cold then for whatever reason. Yes, cold in the middle of June. Not tonight. It was already scorching hot while I was out and about picking up food. When I got there I got a call from Lisa. Somehow I already knew what it was going to be about. Of course she was tired and feeling off because of a full day at her office. That part was normal. But tonight, she simply said she didn't feel like joining the picnic. She was feeling sick, she was feeling tired, she was on medication, she was this, she was that. I tried to be empathetic and feel what it would have been like if this was a month ago when I was experiencing all the bleeding stuff. Would I have gone to this? I believe so yes, I would have figured out a way to make it. Heck I still played golf didn't I? Anyway, I already had the dinner part beat from last time when we spent over an hour in line just ordering food. This time I started on the nachos almost right as I got there. And it was really good, gooey with cheese, and the beef was excellent. And I still had a couple of Panda Express dinners in the bag since now Lisa isn't going to show. I told myself I was going to do my best not to judge her. I honestly didn't care that she didn't make it. The less I have to think about.  In the meantime Johnnie was having fun in the playground playing with a whole bunch of kids, particularly James who he is starting to be good friends with. Of course, I had no idea where Johnnie was when Brooklyn came in crying for whatever reason and when Blair asked her if she wanted to go back to the play structure, it was James who had come over and went there with her taking her by the hand. Hmmm. I ask again where Johnnie was. He didn't seem that concerned or maybe not so attentive with Brooklyn. At least not like James was in that moment. Something to wonder about I guess. Is Johnnie no longer interested? Hey they are KIDS I remind myself. Anyway, we left earlier than usual tonight and we went back to my apartment where Johnnie could hang out and watch his videos while we let Lisa get some rest. Not at all unusual for a Lisa Friday actually. And later on by 8:15 she called us and that's when I took Johnnie and Claire back.  Lisa seemed to be in good spirits even, which seemed to me made it a good call to let her have some rest. She even ate some of the Panda Express I had bought for her for her dinner. Of course when I went on home I had to do some exercises about releasing whatever negative energy I had internalized simply by Lisa's mere act of not showing up at the Family Night. I say I don't care but I definitely could sense there were some energies there that would have been pent-up. Some resentment energy and anger and I was glad to release it quickly without giving it a chance to fester. I also noticed I felt some residual tiredness. And I am not so sure it's a physical tired either.  It's ok. I was glad to hang out at the school Family Night, glad Johnnie had a good time, glad it was payday, glad there was no negative energy between Lisa and I. Just a Good Friday before the weekend. All good.

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