Saturday, August 13, 2022

L & J Weekend Trip

So I got up early this morning and hustled to Lisa's house by 6:45 AM, as I was supposed to chauffeur them to LAX on their trip to Wisconsin this weekend. Their flight was at 9 AM and I was thinking they had plenty of time actually. When I got there, Lisa was in a sour mood and on her computer and Johnnie was in his room with the door closed. Uh-oh, that can't be good was what I thought. Lisa immediately found something to yell at me about, and I told her straight up "hey man, I'm just here to take you guys to the airport". Johnnie came out and immediately got into his happy mood and at least WE sort of  got in our usual. state while Lisa and then Johnnie finally took showers and got ready. I just kept quiet and did my "job", which was to drive them to the American Airlines terminal. But I couldn't help but remember all those other trips we used to take together that I would get really REALLY agitated because Lisa simply does not know how to be ready early. And she usually works herself into a snit by packing hours before the trip, usually well into the wee morning hours LOL.  Eventually we would make it on time, as she did this morning as well. The difference for me was that I was simply a driver and there is NO WAY whatever funk she gets into would affect me in any way, shape, or form. It was simply amusing to watch, and I shook my head remembering that I was a part of many drop0-offs with her where we would get into a fight. Not today. I dropped them off, hugged my son, and back ai went to Lisa's house to pick up Claire for the weekend. I took my time too. While I was there anyway, I took a nice, long, leisurely shower. Even cut my toenails. Cleaned myself up such as it were. I hadn't showered since Wednesday after all and for whatever reason I woke up in the middle of the night last night drenched in sweat. Must have been whatever I was listening to. <which was an Arcturian sound healing>. Anyway it was nice to get cleaned up and then the workers working on her house showed up and asked ME if they could come in and work on the wall that had the crack above her TV. So I told him to go ahead and come in and that was my cue to finally go back to my own apartment. It was still barely 9 AM and today I got myself a couple of sausage and egg McMuffins from McDonald's and I relished that I still had an entire day to myself. All kinds of stuff to do went through my head. But I pushed everything aside, especially stuff that was work-related. I knew I would get to it eventually over the weekend, even maybe later on today. I was just glad. because exactly a week ago I was already sort of laid up from what felt like a bladder/kidney stone experience and I needed to rest and heal. Just one more of a continuing series of physical stuff that is likely a manifestation of energies, positive or otherwise I am now much more sensitive to.  Today I did feel my bladder area cramping while listening to Lisa go on and on while driving them, a sensation that disappeared completely and almost immediately after I dropped Lisa off and I was alone in the car again. I am ever more sure all these physical manifestations are merely energies moving through.
So what did I do the rest of the day? What I realized was that I do spend a significant amount of time with Johnnie and today, maybe it was simply the knowledge that he wasn't around that made me miss him somehow. The feeling was especially present when I went to Sprouts to go shopping. Usually on a Saturday, he IS with me shopping at Sprouts. He would be pushing the grocery cart in fact and asking me what he needs to load it with next. Today, pushing my own cart I really did miss him hanging around. I also remember the last time when a customer in the line after us engaged him in conversation and couldn't help but notice how delightfully happy he is. I'm hoping his energy balances out Lisa's this weekend. Anyway, the rest of my Saturday was exemplified by the picture I posted of my legs with the dog Claire just hanging out resting at my feet with her paws in the air. All she cared about was being around one of us or all of us and that was fine. I did manage to get about an hour nap in. And I did manage to get out and do most of my grocery shopping. A new routine starts next week of course with Johnnie back in school. Gotta shop for his food again though really not that much different from camp. Unlike last week though where I did totally shut myself down, I still got in over 9000 steps today and got in almost 60 active minutes too. So not that much to do tomorrow in terms of catching up. I did do a lot  of steps in Lisa's backyard later on in the late afternoon when I went over there again to feed the gecko and the beta fish. I did not stay at all. Just went on home made myself chicken and mushrooms over rice for dinner. Watched Virgin River. And enjoyed another quiet Saturday night. 

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