Friday, August 5, 2022

Last Day Of Town Hall Week + Energy Sensitivity

So today is the last day of Town Hall Week, I'm headed to Echo Park first thing unimpeded by dropping Johnnie off anywhere. So I got there earlier than usual and before the thing even started. This was the first time we were doing the Town Hall and live-streaming in to FRB staff too. Turned out it worked out just fine. I always like the energy at ECHO PARK and today was no different. They had presents for most everyone of us presenters, including ME! They got me that fishing game that I'm sure Johnnie will love playing. Anyway, this was probably our smoothest yet, and then we headed out to Friday brunch wrap-up which also doubled as sort of a baby party for Director of Compliance Emma Nkwam. Check out the pic of our table at HOME restaurant. Everyone was all smiles. And I think gone was the tension from a week ago between the Director and the C-Suites. I even volunteered to work as the Manager at Westlake North on Tuesday given the severe lack in Health Center Managers. AND I had salmon eggs Benedict too. I will say I like the hybrid eating pattern I am now adopting, incorporating more meat and carbs. I just don't do sugar anymore is all. And I think that works just fine. Anyway I had a nice breakfast and then headed on out to pick up Claire at Lisa's house. It had turned into a hot day today, much warmer than the mild summer we had had so far. Even this morning seemed it was going to be overcast and humid... until 9 AM hit and it got warm in a hurry. Anyway, Claire was glad to see me and this being a Friday, I looked forward to a chill afternoon. Except that a chill afternoon was not going to be in the cards and I knew that. First there was the IS Audit Reveal this afternoon and that was scheduled to be a 2-hour meeting. And then I'm headed to Lisa's office to do Johnnie's Spanish class. Not that Johnnie needed me to do that, but I volunteered to come anyway. I actually had a date planned for tonight but I called it off yesterday knowing that going to Lisa's office meant I would be tied up with Johnnie probably for the rest of the evening. And that was ok. I was HAPPY to trade a date with JOHNNIE TIME. 
And so first there was the FRB Birthday Party at 2:00 PM and then immediately after was the IS Audit presentation. Already I knew we were going to be pitched services, which left a bad taste in my mouth already. I mean what IS Audit would include the Auditor pitching their services. I told Alan <the company owner> earlier in the week I needed him to present his findings but not to include their services as I viewed that as a conflict of interest. The guy did it anyway. They found 28 things that they recommended fixing, or rather they recommended that they fix it. That included 850,000 to move our VMware server to their cloud, with DR in Las Vegas. The things that I agreed with was that we needed to clean up Active Directory, clean up TEAMS, and upgrade our switches since they were at end-of-life. And they recommended we hire 2 more IS Staff. That would be nice to get my IS Manager position back huh? It's been gone for 4 years now. Anyway the meeting went beyond the 2 hours, so much so I just stepped off since I had to go to Lisa's for Johnnie. He was asleep when I got there, and Lisa looked like she was ready to knock off too. What did mom and son do last night stay up really late? I wasn't going to let him sleep through his Spanish class. Not if I made it out here already. And so he did that, he did just fine, and then right after Lisa announced that she was going to go take a nap. And that I could go ahead and take Johnnie. Does that mean he gets to spend the night with me? I wasn't sure. I thought I'd play my NICE GUY card since it was a given that I would get to spend Friday night with Johnnie. And so we went to Nijiya Market to get Lisa some sushi for her dinner. And then off we went to do the Friday night routine I had started way back in June. Was that more than a month ago already? I called it Poquito Was Friday nights. We would get him Panda Express Westwood and then get my ahi tuna tostada from Poquito Mas.  I realized it was about as healthy as I could have it with minimal carbs if I didn't eat the chips. Tonight, I ate the chips. And I was pretty full. And so it was that this Friday night felt like any other weekday night. Including Johnnie and I spending time at the hot tub. Except that I was conflicted at 9 PM when I hadn't heard from Lisa yet. Do I let Johnnie sleep at the apartment, do I head him to Lisa's house? I chose the latter at 9:30 since the hot tub time had me so relaxed and already sleepy. Lisa didn't get home until 10 PM. I didn't expect her too. Apparently I had already dozed off and according to Johnnie snored such that it kept him awake. Anyway no drama from Lisa tonight. And I gotta think its because she had a decent meal that we brought her. On the other hand, when I went home, ready to go to sleep, I was kept awake by a dull ache on my lower left abdomen. Uh-oh. What's going on here? Another bout of kidney or bladder stones? What is it now???

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