Sunday, August 28, 2022

Golf Sunday

I allowed myself to tank yesterday knowing full well I would at least be playing golf today and therefore getting my exercise. And of course it's yet another opportunity to learn and align, that is to learn to align my desired outcomes with whatever is going on in my head. Rest assured I will cut to the chase and I did not align well today. I had a pretty terrible game actually. I probably had about 5 good shots the entire game. 1 good putt that went in the entire game. Wow. And this was while playing with an older couple and another older gentleman and Scott. It was like my ego got triggered because I was playing with people I really could show off my skills on. And instead the opposite happened. Case in point on Hole 3. The short hole. After a couple of practice swings with my 5 iron, I swung at the ball. And missed. I mean I missed by so much it looked like I was still doing a practice swing. I tried again, and did it again. I had completely speeded up my own swing which was why I was missing the bell. This after topping the ball off the tee on Hole 1, topping it again on the fairway, overhitting past the hole and then taking 3 putts to make it. This was on the very first hole that I felt I should hit on a par on every single time. Hole 2 I at least hit the ball well off the tee. But a 150 shot that I should have landed on the green instead was a wild whiff way right, which I REALLY NEED TO LEARN TO STOP DOING. That's when I know my head is not right and my focus is off. Lesson: SLOW DOWN. Focus on the target while being way off the ball then let the shot come to you when you approach the ball. In rhythm. I know what I should have done differently now.  Back to Hole 3. How is it that the last time I played this hole, I hit a bump and run that almost went in from well in front of the green? From the side, I over hit it today. Again another sign that my focus was off, my feel was off. How off? On Hole 9 I hit the ball way left to the street! I do that when my focus is not right. So how exactly do I make it right? That's the work I need to do don't I? Because honestly I didn't have fun out there because I played so badly.
Oh well at least we got done by 11:10. I had enough time to go home and put everything away including my own negative thoughts and order from Crimson Mediterranean. And then since it was so early I didn't drive to Crimson to pick up my lunch, I scootered there using the side streets near Gateway and then the side streets all the way to Bundy and then Santa Monica. I loved that I did this. And I ate right there at the restaurant too. Funny, I looked in my journal later and I had the same exact lunch a year ago almost to the day right after golf.  By then it was just Scott and I since Greg had already left for Arizona. Man, it's been an entire year that it had just been he and I playing together. Well, with exceptions and inclusions of other golfers here and there. But as far as sticking? It's just Scott and I. What am I going to do later on in the month when he goes to NY for 2 weeks? Play by myself that's what. Oh well, now full from lunch I scootered back home without incident and then took a nice little nap that lasted almost an hour. I reflected on the week that had just passed. Weirdness at the start with the whole Frontier thing and I was way out of sync. But I got it back together by the following day and then it was eezy peezy for the rest of the week. I expect much of the same for next week too. Although I really REALLY want to solve the puzzle of keeping my focus together so I can manifest the outcomes that I want. I was using golf to practice. And I resisted the idea of frustration. Merely that I need more information. And I need help intuiting that information. Clearly, the ego was more in charge today and so I am still learning. There are tidbits and flashes of brilliance <e.g. first 2 holes at Roosevelt when I had a par and almost another one> that did not last. The key is being consistent so I get there the same way every time. And then making it last. Didn't even get to that level right off the gate. And it never got better. I'll look at film (my own internals) tomorrow. In the meantime, now I have House of Dragon to look forward to on Sunday nights. And it did not disappoint. The dinner that I chose did though... turkey meatloaf from Sprouts that tasted too turkey-ish and gamey. Washed it down with peppermint hot tea. So it was that I had a pretty quiet weekend. And I'm looking forward to next week's short week!

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