Thursday, August 25, 2022

A Quiet Thursday

Usually I have all these meetings on Thursday mornings and then I get through those and it's smooth sailing the rest of the day. Today I dropped Johnnie off at school and I will say I'm getting used to that new routine nicely. I didn't have to be anywhere today for the first time all week. And then after my first meeting with the IS Team, the rest of the morning sort of disintegrated. There's no one left on the EHR Team, my 2 best are out on COVID protocol and one is still on medical leave. So no meeting. And then Dennis is out on vacation so no meeting with him either. Turned out my morning was freer than I thought. And so in a moment of inspiration, and looking around my apartment to see how dirty it was, I started cleaning it. The living room at least. The floors, and then the blinds. Those had gotten such an accumulation of dirt, I needed to really spend time to clean those out. But at least after an hour or so, the living room was pretty clean. And I actually felt good that I got to do that today. Already this is a different Thursday. I made myself lunch... fish today. The barramundi from the weekend and the tilapia I brought Lisa that she gave to me back. Funny, every piece of food that needs to be prepared that I give her, I mostly get back. Interesting wasn't it? I must have had too much fish though because my stomach didn't feel right after. I felt bloated. And then as the afternoon went on, I started to feel pressure in my pelvis area. Which radiated down to my legs. Uh-oh. More urinary stuff? What's going on now? I went to Mitsuwa in the middle of the afternoon to get udon for Johnnie's dinner later. And then I realized that the pressure in my back wasn't from the fish. Is this another kidney stone attack? Because it sure feels like it. A low grade one anyway.
That ache is dull now, but I am now afraid it might get worse. Might? I'm trying to figure out what brought this on now, in the hopes of stopping it where it stands before it gets worse. In the meantime, I have to pick up Johnnie from school, get him through Spanish class, make him dinner and wait for Lisa to pick him up. Simple right? But now I am way distracted by this ache in my back. The last time this happened was 3 months ago and that time, I thought it was because of some of the morphic fields I was listening to made me focus on a condition I was trying to avoid, which brought it on as a result. I focused on what I didn't want, and got it. Is this what happened today? All I did was clean the apartment this morning. I mean there were the usual distractions from work, even a meeting with the Mobile Dental team that really lasted all of 15 minutes. More annoyances than anything. Maybe the accumulation of stuff from earlier in the week that I needed to express and release? Or perhaps an extension of something Lisa is experiencing? Damn I need to cut that cord off don't I? Anyway the regular stuff as I outlined went about pretty quietly. The Spanish class, dinner, and now that I'm sure I am experiencing another kidney stone attack, I went on to my dinner: shrimp and vegetables over some of those shirataki noodles. It was during that time that I realized the difference today, I didn't have Claire with me all day. I left her with Lisa last night and although she worked, at least she didn't go in until well after lunch. When she called it was already 8:15 and she was already at home. Sigh. No choice but to drop Johnnie off over there. And to figure out what to do with the dull ache in my back or I end up having a bad night's sleep like I did a few weeks ago when I had a pain in my bladder area. Pretty clear that I am getting targeted down there as a weak spot. Gotta work on that, at least to be able to ward off future attacks. But tonight I have to deal with the present one...

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