Monday, August 29, 2022

A Short Work Week Ahead

This week already shaped to be a good one simply because it is a short week for me, followed by another short week next week for Labor Day weekend. I just get a 4-day weekend because I took a birthday day off too. Oh yeah, it's my birthday week this week as well. Still, I was up at 7 AM and doing my walk outside so I can get to 5000 steps before I even head in to work. Yes, for the 2nd week in a row, I'm headed for a 2-day stint at Westlake North to babysit.  I don't mind it this week particularly because it is such a short week. I had already finished my first set of steps, gotten showered, and gotten dressed ready to go... when I got a ping on TEAMS that Nyree was already at Westlake North taking care of a staff situation. <situation? what staff situation?>.  Anyway, that meant I didn't have to go in to Westlake North at all today! SWEET! The day just got 10 times better already! Since I had done my timesheet approvals AND the HRSA survey stuff this weekend and well into last night, I was actually done with all my morning work. I can just sit and chill. And catch up on the meditation I didn't do this morning. And so I ended up having a perfectly chill work day actually the like of which I hadn't seen in the past few Mondays. I watched some YouTube videos, particularly one from Aaron Abke about the ego, this as I sift through information and learn more about my Shadow Self, to learn more about being able to move easily into the realities and outcomes that I want. Today, I wanted to have an eezy-peezy day. And I didn't even articulate what that meant actually... but somehow the outcome that I want was to stay home, chill with learning stuff in the morning, make myself a nice lunch - which today turned out to be the spinach/kale flatbread I bought from Sprouts yesterday, take a nap in the afternoon <which lasted an entire hour actually> and then get to 10,000 steps before 5 PM. Done, done, and done! I actually felt pretty refreshed in the middle of the afternoon heat while doing some walking and by the way while talking to the latest connection I had on A lady in Brea named  Candace who is actually from Maui. Well, at least my connections are actually legit this go-round. We talked on the phone for a good half hour actually and it was very promising. We'll see how I can manage the going-out-this weekend thing... 
And so of course the next phase of Monday is the Johnnie pick-up. Lisa already called and asked me to come get him at 7 PM, which gave me time to walk to El Pollo Loco and have dinner too. I hadn't had this double chicken tostada bowl in months. And although I am still watching what I eat, I ok'd myself to have more meat. I just want to straight up avoid sugars, minimize carbs as much as I can and eat more greens. That should keep me in balance for a while right? I haven't noticed my weight even ticking up, nor my BP levels. All good. I went to Lisa's at 7 PM to pick up Johnnie and mom and son were in the kitchen whipping up a dessert. Smores such as it were. I politely ignored the fact that he wasn't ready to go yet, and I realize that Lisa is merely milking every minute she can with him. Just as I would. I even brought in her garbage cans for her. Hey she did have the day off and by her own account got a nice, restful day in herself. I did stick around for a bit and chatted and then while she was trying to get us all tickets to the Angkor Wat exhibit for this weekend at the Cali Science Center, that's when I took the cue to go. She didn't need us for that didn't she? It was already 7:45! AND I had already sat down and have half a smore. <See what I mean about avoiding sugars entirely? I had milk chocolate. i could almost feel my blood sugar spike. Guess I'll have to make up for it and telling myself just this once is ok>. Once home we immediately go on our weekday routine. Johnnie this time started to watch the Magic School Bus. And even reminded me it was milk time already. Yes he was right. It was already 8 PM. For some reason though, I felt a bit tired tonight. I didn't do anything out of the ordinary really, not even getting to 15,000 steps and 140 active minutes well before 8 PM would do that. I think I'm feeling effects from all the healing videos I had been binge watching in the last couple of days. I thought about the episodes of supposed kidney stones, or bladder stones, even the bleeding episodes from a month ago. Yes it was chaos brought about by my Shadow Self. But then again could it be that I am simply purging before a healing took place? That's what happened preceeding the weight loss didn't it? And now I am presumably much healthier than I was in the beginning of the year. Do I remember when my RHR was in the high 70s? That couldn't be normal could it? Tonight I let myself have an early night, went to bed same time as Johnnie. It was an eezy-peezy Monday. I'll take more of the same the rest of the week please. 

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