Wednesday, August 10, 2022

At the FRB

So today the new routine is that I work out of the FRB at least for half the day and so I am headed downtown this morning for the 2nd day in a row right after I drop Johnnie off at Penmar Day Camp. This after last week when I came in every single day. Man, I'm coming in more and more and more aren't I? The good thing was that despite a lot of people already being there when I got there, it still wasn't nearly the full complement of staff. And really I was just there to make sure the buildout of the IS Room went smoothly. THAT too was sprung on me at the last minute on Friday. But here we are doing our thing putting stuff together. And I made the most of being there too, having my meeting with Shilpa and then Lainie. No joint meetings with the Data Analytics team today, and I think it is better that way. Certainly is better in terms of wasting any time. And then oddly enough, ELoisa asked for a ride to Westlake North to attend the Health Center week festivities. I happily chauffeured her and we had a nice chat about what is going on with the organization. She always asks me about what I would do in her shoes, and this time it was about Dr. Liao. I told her I was actually fine with Marina but Dr Liao I do not have a comfort level dealing with at all. I told her he needs lieutenants in order to rein in the providers, but then again where do you get those? Anyway for lunch, I decided to have lunch with Faith, and especially to celebrate her recent promotion to CFO of QueensCare. I paid for that lunch too, which was ok since she paid for mine the last time. We ate at a sushi place on 9th and I had a nice sushi bento lunch. Just look at the pic I posted. What a nice dish. AND I got my carbs in for the day though it turned out I would get more later. And THEN right afterwards, I went down to the FRB gym and got in a pretty nice workout. 80 reps on the pull-up workout bar, and the lat pulls and then the triceps rope. So I got my resistance exercises in too. Nicely worked off the carbs eh? And I note that I am still at 157 lbs right now, which is my lowest weight since high school. Did I look like this in high school? I know my pants waistline is back to 31. So for sure I hadn't been this skinny in DECADES! Anyway I went on home after the gym visit and noticed it had sure gotten hot out there just like yesterday. I managed to walk Claire and then gave myself a rest on the couch until it was time to pick up Johnnie at camp. It's the last week at camp for Johnnie after all and then school starts next week. We would find out today that Johnnie is in Room 9 which is a different room than Brooklyn has been assigned, the first time those 2 will not be in the same room in 3 years.  But I'm sure they will find a way to hang out still. In the meantime, camp wind down is in progress and although I put in the picture that it was the last week of camp, considering Johnnie might hang out with me tomorrow and then his mom on Friday, today might have been his last day period. Still he had had a good camp summer and I'm sure he won't forget the field trips and the pool days. Today being Wednesday of course it's Spanish class day and off we went to Lisa's office as per usual. I felt a bit awkward since I hadn't spoken to her since Monday's little mini-argument over Johnnie missing the first day of school. Still Johnnie had a good class and as per usual also, Lisa is very much focused on her staff issues and billing and I tried to stay as much out of the way as I could. In the end, we waited for Lisa as usual and then when she decided to get done we went to Maria's Italian Kitchen for dinner. For the 2nd meal in a row I had a lot of carbs. I don't think my body is going to mind so much. In fact, eating more carbs has me feeling a little better I think. Certainly I'm burning just as much stuff as I still made it to 12,000 steps and 280 active minutes already for the past 3 days. At the dinner Lisa even surprised me by giving me an apology over the argument. We had a nice dinner and then Johnnie and I went on home. Johnnie back to Pokemon videos, me just chilling for my Wednesday night. For the middle of the week, it was a pretty good day.

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