Friday, August 26, 2022

Tank Friday

So I was dealing with the kidney stone stuff last night but unlike before I managed to clear this particular episode up pretty quickly last night. I remembered healing everything with just frequencies the last time I had a flareup in my bladder. And this time I used pretty much the same frequencies to clear my meridians, the kidney and bladder specifically. The pain cleared up inside of 15 minutes. If I were putting a number to the degree of pain, I'd give it a 5 but it still would have potentially kept me up all night. Not this time. It was no more than a nuisance really and I was asleep before midnight and I woke up with no sign of pain, no sign of discomfort and as if it had never happened. I posted the video that I think did it pretty much in case this happens again in the future. I will say since I shifted my perception to include emotional diagnosis and vibrational modalities, it has been easier to deal with physical stuff that I'm sure the  majority of people would see a doctor for. I can only think of all the stuff it would have saved Dexter had he had the same beliefs. I did send him some audios but I am pretty sure he didn't really listen to them. Not really. And even if he did, I was pretty sure he didn't believe. I guess that is something I need to work on too. How do I get more people to believe? No shortage of those suffering from ailments in my circle. Practically everyone, Lisa included.  She has enough issues believing some of the stuff her mom asks her to try. I guess it's all about the fundamental belief that in physics over chemistry. That one's body is a vibrational entity rather than a physical one. And why not? Are we not made up of atoms, which is stuff that vibrates all the time? Not to mention all the emotional disturbances that cause dis-ease in the first place. I still have to ask for Guidance on the root cause of this or it will come up again, or manifest as something else. But in the meantime, I'm perfectly fine just going about my usual Friday, which will be the last Friday in August actually as we head towards the Labor Day weekend next week. 
In the meantime, I had myself a TANK DAY today. Hadn't had one of these in a while. I think I may rename it to ME TIME FRIDAY. I may have recovered quickly from last night but I felt like taking it easy anyway, especially since I looked at my calendar and it was pretty clear for the entire day for a change. Usually I'd be picking up Claire at Lisa's house, maybe take a shower over there and have a late breakfast like last week. Today, Lisa decided to bring the dog over herself. Don't know why really but I didn't care. I guess I shower in my own bathroom today, which was a must anyway since I hadn't showered since Monday. I still had the same sausage and egg McMuffin breakfast 2-for-1 breakfast from McDonald's. And I'm glad that despite me eating more meat and carbs, my weight isn't really going up and my BP isn't either. The key is to keep looking I guess and make sure I keep it balanced. I had a pretty healthy tuna sandwich and tomato soup at lunch so I kept it healthy and I chilled all day and did nothing but laundry until it was time to pick up Johnnie. Last week there was the Friday night thing at school. Tonight, nothing. And so we did a Friday night summer special. Which was to pick up Panda Express at Westwood and then go to Poquito Mas to pick up my dinner. Used to be I'd get ahi tuna tostada. But tonight I figured I'd go against the grain some more and have a steak burrito which I had not had in so long. We weren't even home yet from picking up dinner when Lisa already called. But instead of asking her to immediately pick up Johnnie I asked her to wait a half hour since we hadn't eaten yet. I'm thinking now that she might have called early to see where we were with dinner in the hopes of being invited maybe? That didn't even cross my mind. We already had dinner in hand besides. And so she stayed to do her notes instead of picking up Johnnie and he and I did our usual Friday night dinner. What did I used to do pre-pandemic on Fridays? Did I just stick around at work and have dinner downtown? Mostly I did just that didn't I? Nothing to do at home since Lisa used to have Friday off and picked up Johnnie herself. Tonight at least I got to spend a couple of more hours with him and I milked that up until 8 PM when I decided I'd go ahead and deliver him to Lisa. She wasn't home yet but I drove JOhnnie and Claire to her office. He was already bored at my apartment anyway. This kid knows the schedule to be sure. And that was perfectly fine. It was going to be an early night for me anyway. I figured my body was telling me to get more rest right? Check. Sleep at 10:30 PM tonight. 

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