Thursday, August 18, 2022

Breathe Out

I just love that we now get to be in the school courtyard when Johnnie gets dropped off. Gives us parents a chance to see the kids interacting like it was almost normal. And Johnnie hanging with Brooklyn and Bailey first thing? That is DEFINITELY back to normal. It's also nice for the parents to meet each other and this morning I even waited until Johnnie's teacher came out and took them in to the classroom. Which gave me a chance to meet her for the first time. That didn't happen in kindergarten OR the first grade... at least not in person. All I can say was that this was already shaping up to be a different kind of year and that's good. After drop-off, I went home, enjoyed bacon and eggs for breakfast, and a cup of hot tea and slogged through my Thursday morning slew of meetings. At least I knew by lunchtime, all would be done and effectively the work week would be over pretty much. Oh, I forgot there's also the HIT Roundtable I gotta do. That too would be part of breathe-out week usually. Today, I had an extra long meeting with the IS Team. But a very short meeting with the EHR team because Lainine tested positive for COVID and wasn't around. Damn. I'm down to 1! I need them to just hang on until next week. And then Dennis cancelled his one-on-one with me. I made myself that barramundi over channa masala and rice. Turned out pretty good if I do say so myself. And then I did the HIT Roundtable. Kind of an odd mix of emotions with that meeting. My co-chair Mendy almost skipped the meeting which irked me. My thought was 'I wonder what the heck that guy thinks being co-chair is about?' You're supposed to LEAD. Missing a meeting is not leading. And then when he got on late, I almost felt myself targeting him with some of my comments. Perhaps I had some anger there didn't I? Odd mix of emotions. And then Aisha sends me an email in the middle of the meeting telling me she didn't appreciate being the subject of 'Tiger Mom' jokes. Meaning we always made fun of her for being a little too protective. She reminded me this was her journey and she was right about that. I apologized and left it as a learning lesson for me to have a bit more empathy. Anyway that got done by 3 PM and THEN I pronounced the work day over LOL. 
Nothing left but picking up Johnnie from STAR and the hand-off later on, which had the potential to be negatively charged because Lisa is seeing her dad at her clinic today. Why that had to involve me is simply my own choosing I reminded myself. As in the incident with Aisha, that is her projecting her own stuff. All you gotta do is apologize and not let it go any further in your awareness. And the apology is really to YOURSELF actually. I did some shield energy audios in the afternoon, watched the latest Disney series SHE HULK, and then caught up on steps. I noticed I was sore in the upper body which meant the workout yesterday did it's job. In the meantime, when I picked up Johnnie he reminded me that he did have his agenda today, which was to get a Pokemon toy from a McDonald's Happy Meal. How long has it been since we've gotten a Happy Meal from McDonald's? At least he ate the chicken nuggets. AND I gave him a heaping bowl of spaghetti too, which he downed quickly. And then his Spanish class got cancelled. Seemed to be the energy of today wasn't it? We actually had homework Johnnie and I. He had his real homework from school, and I had to fill out all of his first week of school paperwork due tomorrow. By the time Lisa called to pick him up it was 8:30 PM. I didn't say anything about it but I could sense Lisa was sniping at every word I said looking for a chance to get offended about something and get upset. Which is what happens every time she has an interaction with her family. She's still under that control which makes me sad for her. It's not something I can bring up with her either because it will simply piss her off even more. Best to just do the drop-off with the least interaction possible. Which was what happened tonight so all was good. I reminded myself not to bug about tomorrow either. She will tell ME if she wants me involved one way or another. Johnnie is now on her watch. And so I went on home and looked at my sleep patterns for the week. I had terrible sleep on Monday but the last 3 days I had really good sleep. That's what happens when I get to bed early. Which is totally dependent on Johnnie being in the house. Tonight I didn't get to bed until midnight but that's still ok. It's the end of the week after all. We're all good.

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