Sunday, August 14, 2022

Just Another Hot Day at the Golf Course

So I woke up at 3 AM this morning sweating like crazy. Was it simply a typical warm August ummer night? Or was it listening all night to another healing audio. Either way I went back to sleep and I woke up refreshed and got myself ready in a hurry for another morning of golf. This time we're at Harbor Golf Course and I was telling myself to simply hold the space I had the first 2 holes at Roosevelt when I did so well <and then far worse afterwards> and keep holding it for maybe just another hole or maybe two. Or maybe, if I focus well enough, more than that. And so the key then as it was this morning was the very first hole. Or at least to get to the baseline. I started the first hole very well. Both Scott and I did actually. Great tee shot, then 2nd shot that was already on the green but skipped past the hole, 3rd shot was just ok but left too much room. And then I missed the par putt. Scott's par putt was closer but he missed it too. And so we both start with bogeys. Felt pretty good about it though. This morning we were paired up with a guy and then 2 Asian teachers, one of whom was Filipino and couldn't get 3 words out of his mouth without saying 'fuck'. And this guy is an elementary school teacher? Geez, I can only HOPE Johnnie's teacher is not like this guy. Anyway, cutting to the chase, I got to the 3rd shot on Hole 2 before I imploded, and imploded badly. As much as I work on focusing for a good shot, I also need to understand what it was in my head that caused the horrible shots on that 2nd hole. I barely hit it and it went OB right, which meant (a) I rushed the shot and (b) I was in my head. How do I move from that and make sure it doesn't happen? Because when I'm not really thinking about my shot and let it come to me, I end up hitting the ball really, really well. Somehow the errant shot program wins out and that is what I have to minimize. Gotta find a way to anchor the good shot program in the moment or I get too much in my head. I settled down by Hole 5 and I actually got near the green and for a par putt albeit a long one on Hole 5. Also a great tee shot on Hole 6 almost got me a par, except I missed an 8-foot putt. Hole 8, another bogey because this time I had to get 3 shots before I was a foot from the hole. And then on Hole 9 I blasted It off the tee. My best shot all day. It was long, it was straight, and it was roped. Too bad I whiffed the next shot, but I at least recovered for another bogey. Man I had all these bogeys but not one par. heck even Scott got a par on the 8th hole where he was in the sand off the tee. But a long long putt off the green that he made saved him. Later on he would complain about his hip and how friends are talking to him about a replacement. No Scott, say not so. I can't lose my ONLY remaining golf partner could I? 
So it was that I went on home and stopped at Bristol Farms to get one of those turkey sandwiches. I like so much for lunch. And then I wanted to take a nap before I did some work. I knew I had to work some because I had to do a presentation at the Management Committee meeting first thing Tuesday morning. And then of course it's payroll Monday AND HRSA survey Monday as well. I don't think I could get it all done tomorrow could I? I never got to the nap. Stephanie Man texted me and asked if I was free for boba later. Why not? I hadn't cleaned up and all but who cares. She gets me the way I am. Besides, we had been trying to get together for 2 weeks now. Maybe this is the day? Turned out that it was actually. She picked me up in front of my building and we went to a Chinese dessert place on Sawtelle. And I had a mango smoothie and she had a mango dessert. And we talked and talked for a while. So much so it was already 6:30 by the time she dropped me off. Is there chemistry? Too early to tell. But I think we'd do ok actually. At least we're both Asian. And she seemed to be the business woman type. She mentioned opening up a new restaurant more than once. So we'll see. 2 dessert dates do not an acquaintance make even. But it was nice to be in the company of a nice-looking woman to be sure. So after boba, I went on to Lisa's to feed the gecko and the fish. And to take out her trash. And then I went on home to cruise the rest of my Sunday night. Not much TV, I did manage to approve all the timecards for my tam. And get started on my presentations too. I got into them so much that when I looked up it was already almost 1 AM in the morning. Uh-oh that wasn't good. Means I'm likely to be tired tomorrow. And I am also scheduled to be manager at Westlake North too. Damn. Way too much going on work-wise. Heck actually a lot went on today. And I'm not even going to mention Johnnie isn't even in town. Although I don't really get to see him on a Sunday, he was still on my mind. Lisa texting me their pics from the Wisconsin State Fair sort of made sure of that. Still I worked my butt off and then crashed, ready for a new week.

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