Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Much Better Outcomes Today

This morning I decided to do something different. I decided that Johnnie would scooter to school and I would walk. I get to have my steps done and Johnnie gets to ride his scooter. And we got there before 8 AM even. Look at the pic of him on the scooter. So cute is that! Already a great start for the day. So last week I dealt with that snafu with the Frontier installation. Maybe it was the fact that I had to go to Westlake that I didn't want to do and then had to come back blah-blah-blah that caused what ended up being an unproductive day. Today the Frontier guy came back and it was 100% different. Even when the Leasing office providing little help with getting the electrical room open for the Tech guy, I chance ran into Hugo our maintenance guy who DID open the electrical room. Bottom line was that he did his thing inside of 8 minutes and within the hour my NEW internet connection was completed! He got done by 10 AM. He got done so early I even had time to walk the dog, have my IS Team Meeting, AND catch up with my journal entries before leaving for Westlake North. I committed to going there for the afternoon at least. What I did forget was that Laker tickets went on sale today but even then I managed to snag 3 tix for the Knicks game in March. I am sure Johnnie will enjoy the seats behind the basket. Last week I had such a terrible time with the Internet at Westlake North. No such issues today. It was like the day was a complete 360 of what went on Monday. All the outcomes I wanted, I got. And with ease too. Tells me that I am in much better alignment with the Universe. 
So I stuck around WN for the aftrnoon and then went home in time to change and walk over to the Mar Vista Back to School Night. And then afterwards, we all went to Pitfire Pizza for dinner. Of course Lisa would have her ounce of drama, this time a salad that she ordered but forgot to ask for the dressing on the side. And then I had to be the one to ask for a replacement salad, and she didn't like that one either LOL. On the drive back she did give me a glimpse of where her thinking was when she mentioned having been first diagnosed with MS in 2013. The doctor told her then that she was likely to develop a disability in 10 years. Guess what? It's almost been 10 years since. Could it be that she is anticipating developing some disability? And when nothing is forthcoming she is creating dis-ease in her own body to fulfill her own shitty prophecy? Power of the mind I say.  How can I help her with this if she continues to negate her own Power? I remind myself that you must first BE the example if you're going to get others to follow. I have to focus on MY thinking. In the meantime, we did manage to have a dinner night out and Johnnie simply ignored whatever Lisa was doing by wolfing down his cheese pizza. I must admit I ate way too much. Much more than when we were here last in the spring. Back then I ate a mushroom pizza and Brussel sprouts. Today I ate linguini bolognese like I used to. And most of Lisa's salad that she didn't want to eat. And then off we went home. Another early night tonight. I'm going to take advantage of Johnnie being in the house so I get some decent sleep. Besides, I felt tired tonight. And anxious. No doubt a projection of Lisa's energy. I do know how to release all that now. Because looking at the day, I had a really REALLY good day.

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