Monday, August 15, 2022

At The Office, Johnnie is Back

This day definitely had 2 distinct parts. One is that it IS Monday but today is different in that I had to be in at our Westlake North Facility baby-sitting the staff again for the 2nd week in a row. There goes my leisurely meditation first thing AND my usual walk to 5000 steps before 10 AM. In fact, I was worried that perhaps this might be the day that I don't do 15,000 on a Monday for the first time in more than a year. And really that's ok. All that means is that I pick up the slack the rest of the days to get to 78,000 minimum for the week. I mean I HAD been averaging almost 80,000 steps a week all year and really I could stand a rest week. It wouldn't do any harm if I didn't do 78,000 just for this week. And so I put all that out of my head and really I had other priorities today. Tomorrow is my presentation to the Management Committee (the C's) which replaces Tech Council Meeting day, and it's first thing in the morning at 8 AM. Which means I have to be completely done with my presentation by today. No ifs, ands, or buts. And I have to talk about the IS Audit what's more... that same report that said we could be spending up to $1M on remediation. Unbelievable. That wasn't an audit, it was a business solicitation expedition. But I still need to address the findings. All 28 of them. And so here I am at WN first thing, doing my IS Team Meeting early this week so I can address some of the remediation things and I needed to make sure those that needed to get done quickly, did get done quickly. I think I've knocked off 6 things off the list already. And then of course, while I'm here I had to have lunch at Gus's right? Turkeyburger and onion rings was on tap for today. And I was at 2000 steps after lunchtime. Yep, highly likely that I'm not getting to 15,000 today. I went home at 3 PM and it was HOT out there. So much so that just like last week I started sweating right in the car on the drive home with the A/C on. But I did feel good that by the time I did get back my presentation for tomorrow was 90% done. And I still had most of the afternoon to finish. I did note that I only had effectively about 3 hours of sleep last night but I didn't feel all that tired. Not just yet. I also noted I had already gotten a text from Lisa that they were already boarding and on the way home and arriving at 7 PM tonight. All good.
Which brings me to the 2nd part of the day. What actually happened was that I started doing steps. And wouldn't you know I actually kind of caught up a bit. Like I was already at 9000 steps by 5 PM! How'd I do that? I did steps because it was actually feeling MUCH cooler out here than it was downtown and midtown where I was all morning. There was a nice breeze and it was actually quite pleasant. And so I kept on walking and walking.  And by 6 PM I headed out. I needed to stop by Panda Express Marina del Rey on the way to the airport so I could pick up dinner for Johnnie and mom knowing there probably wouldn't be any food on the plane. And then since I noticed it was still early, I kept on doing steps in the Panda Express Via Marina parking lot. I would do this once in a while when I'm in the area anyway. And so I REALLY got caught up. As in I was at 12,500 steps by the time I packed in and drove to the airport. Wow. after all that this morning I'm actually in range to do 15,000 steps anyway. And I was already at 100 active minutes. Perfectly decent. Doesn't matter what happens now when I pick up Johnnie and Lisa. I've already done a decent amount of steps activity. They were right on time actually. And I even ran about 5 minutes behind because of the traffic on Lincoln. And when I picked them up all I heard was Johnnie exclaiming "DAD I missed YOU!". And he said it more than once too. Awww. I missed you TOO Bug. We went to Lisa's house and they had their dinner. I already had mine way before and I ate the leftover chicken and mushroom dish from Saturday which worked out quite well. And of course I had to stick around a bit to chat with Lisa and hear about their experiences for the weekend. I could tell she was already starting to go back to her antsy self though LOL. No worries, off Johnnie and I went on home. After all, it's a BIG day for Johnnie tomorrow. It's HIS first day of school after missing today. All new everything. All new year. All new routines again. Or maybe just the old ones with some tweaks. We do know we have to get up early again although not that much earlier since I was already used to dropping him off at Penmar camp at 8 AM-ish. It was already well past 8 PM by the time we got home. A quick walk for Claire for me and then I realized I could still get to my steps tonight! And so I did just that. And I actually made it to 15,000 steps and 124 active minutes! How about that? Even with not hardly doing any steps in the morning and early afternoon I still managed to get my routine done! I let Johnnie watch some videos of course and then off to sleep for him. And me too actually. I didn't have any trouble knocking off tonight. I get to catch up  once and for all...

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