Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Routine Is How I Like It

Today is Day 2 of Town Hall Week and I was already wondering how I was going to get to our Eagle Rock facility on time given that I couldn't drop Johnnie off at camp earlier than 8 AM. Still with everything that went on last night, I started my day with a gratitude meditation and swept off residual negative emotions that bubbled up. Now I am realizing that some of the things I am fixated on that manifest themselves as negative events need continuous clearing, just as one would need a shower to keep clean. Gunk just builds up over a short period of time. Gotta wash up until a new positive pattern is in place. Still, I liked being up early, taking Claire out for her early morning poop and then getting Johnnie ready for his day at camp. There are only 2 weeks left before school starts again and I remember that last year, he was in Hawaii at this time and that I had Claire all week. Today I get him ready for pool day and I couldn't be happier that all this time at the pool with his peers at camp has made him actually eager to play underwater. Very very cool. And so I dropped him off, and hustled my way to Eagle Rock. And actually got off the freeway at 8:30! And walked up to the meeting in progress just a couple of minutes late. I immediately got me some Portos for breakfast, as I am now in the process of putting on maybe just a little more weight to get to 155-160. I think that's healthy enough considering how much I still manage to burn off simply doing steps every day. I will admit that simply eating more carbs added to a meal a day has me feeling better. I now have stuff to burn off LOL. Anyway, for once the Eagle Rock staff had some energy and the C's continued to do their thing which was far better than what was originally planned. In fact, there was so much material, when my turn to speak came I had all of 2 minutes to distribute my gift card and that was that. All that effort to get here to talk for 2 minutes. Sigh. And I did my IS Team Meeting from my car on the drive home. And a good thing too since it took almost an hour to get back, that's how heavy traffic was on the 2 freeway to the 10 freeway. Still I was home by 10:30 and I immediately hit the couch to relax the rest of the morning away. 
I would have stayed on the couch too but I reminded myself I had so much to do this week for work.  I had all those OCHIN projects I'm already doing that had due dates and some year-end reports I needed to finish. Work, work, work. But I chose not to worry about them this afternoon. I chose to simply BE, at least until I had to pick up Johnnie at 4:30 PM. I was in such BE state that by the time that rolled by my one unit of measurement in terms of activity was my STEP COUNT and I barely had 8 active minutes all day and about 5000 steps already. Which meant I was flitting up and about, but not really doing much of anything LOL. Hey, that's how I'm rollin' today. And so I picked up Johnnie and immediately he says how glad he was to see me. He wanted to tell me all about his afternoon at the Venice Pool. I can tell he had a lot of fun. Off we went to Panda Express to pick up dinner, me augmenting my green beans and chicken over noodles with some shrimp. Yes, I am officially going back to eating more meat and carbs as I am feeling like I am starving myself LOL. It's all about how you feel right? And I felt better adding some carbs back. I don't think I'm ever going to return to a high-sugar diet but that's fine. It turns out that even with the carbs, I am maintaining some pretty healthy Blood Pressure metrics. Just waiting on my PSA numbers to get to healthy levels too and I will be all set for  a while. Tonight I did do routine stuff, I made cookies for Johnnie, I actually did ramp up on my step count. So much so I finished tonight with 11,000+ step AND over 80 active minutes. How I did that I am not sure. And I didn't even push hard to get there. It's like it's something I do fairly easily and fairly routinely now. I also got some of the deliverables done for OCHIN and so even though I had Johnnie in house, I still managed to be pretty productive. The PLAY-OF-THE-DAY was something that came about rather spontaneously. I was doing my steps and I looked at the hot tub outside near my building, and just randomly asked Johnnie if he wanted to go into the tub. And so it was that he soaked in the hot tub this evening and he had a fun time of it too, even alone and even while I was just spectating doing my steps on the side. THAT was how I got to 11,000+! It was a quiet day today. Looking at the rest of the week, I'm sure I'm going to be thankful for that.

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