Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Midweek and Spaghetti Night

Wednesdays I now spend at the FRB although really there is no specific reason I need to be there other than I said I would from now on. And so I did the Johnnie drop-off and then immediately went home got dressed and off I went downtown. I got there by 9 AM even, which makes me wonder why I took my sweet time getting there by  9:30 before the pandemic. I even lingered a bit at the school watching Johnnie and his friends play before class started at 8:15. It's good to know Johnnie now has a core set of friends and I noticed a whole lot of kids saying hi to him. Sure is a long way from the little kid in TK that was one of the smallest kids in the class and didn't want to play with anyone the first week. Not so anymore. Anyway I got to the FRB and everyone else filtered in later than I did. As I said, I didn't really have a specific need to be there, except... it does have the machine that I like to use in the gym, which is the one that trains you for pull-ups. And so if anything else, at least I did over 100 reps on the machines and felt like I got a pretty good chest and arms workout. And I managed to get SOME work done too. And for lunch I went upstairs to the cafeteria for the 2nd week in a row. While there I was joined by Sr Ruth and Barbara and at the risk of waxing nostalgic yet again, I do miss the history of having lunch with them almost every day for years. At lunch we go beyond titles and formalities pretty much and we could just talk as people. I guess in that sense I do agree with Eloisa in that all that is what is missing when the pandemic hit and we're no longer seeing each other face to face. I still would rather work remotely though than go back to the office, at least not for more than a day. By the time I headed home it was just 1:30 PM and I still have most of the afternoon still before I have to pick up Johnnie. What did I do with this ME time? I walked Claire and then I remembered tonight we're going to have dinner at Lisa's house. At first, I resisted that idea only because of all the recent negative history of simply being at Lisa's house when she's there. I mean the odds of being yelled at at some point is fairly high. And I have no intention of butting heads with her when Johnnie is around. But then again all that is up to me isn't it? I let everything go and just stopped resisting and simply planned on making spaghetti. I mean if we're going back in time, wasn't in Sunday nights at Lisa's first apartment at Lindbrook that I used to make us spaghetti dinner... until Lisa got tired of it LOL. I guess I can do this just this once... hopefully just this once.
And so ME TIMe turned into not-so-much-for-ME time and I headed out and got some ground turkey and then made turkey bolognese since Lisa had requested that I bring some meat. Of course I'm going to have to cook anyway, what are the chances she will be zonked after a hard day's work? Still, Johnnie seems excited about it so I have to be as well, or at least pretend to be. I picked him up and we were at Lisa's office by the usual 5 PM to do Johnnie's Spanish class. By then I had also gotten a lot of steps in for the day which I made sure I did so I wouldn't be too behind when we got done at Lisa's. Who knows when that would be anyway?! Lisa at least didn't stay too long and we were actually at her house by 6:30 PM. All I had to do was boil spaghetti, and since the bolognese was already cooked, all I had to do there was put the marinara sauce in. Lisa wanted to do rosemary buttered sour dough toast AND wanted to do a salad. And it was actually Johnnie that did all that stuff since Lisa was predictably zonked and wanted to lie down. She is, if anything, pretty predictable. And I actually didn't mind. When it is expected, there is no let down, no resentment. And in the end we actually had a nice table all prepared. Lisa commented that this was so much better than eating at Maria's. I begged to differ since she didn't actually do any of the cooking, but I wasn't going to say anything either. I just wanted to have a nice meal. Johnnie got his spaghetti, I got my bolognese, and Lisa got her salad. Again, predictably, Lisa was too tired to do anything and wanted to lay down after dinner. Of course I had to do the dishes LOL LOL. All that took 15 minutes and at least, if Lisa was that tired, then we wouldn't have to stick around to do anything. I wanted to go home and watch the Dodger game. Or listen to some of my audios. Anything else but stick around at Lisa's. In the end, I left Claire with her. Hey at least if she needed company, this would do right? And Johnnie and I got to spend Wednesday night finishing BAD GUYS from last night and I did get to watch the Dodgers game after all. Spaghetti night was a pretty good success tonight and THAT would be the PLAY OF THE DAY. I am all good with that!

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