Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Wednesday Routine

I have settled into this Wednesday routine where I drop Johnnie off (last week it was Penmar Day Camp) this week, it's just school and then I head off to the FRB fot at least the morning. The thing is there really isn't anything I could do at the FRB that I couldn't do at home so my visit is mostly symbolic. But then again, there is that nice gym downstairs and I DO need to keep up some resistance work don't I? And so I dropped Johnnie off, going the back way this time just to see if it's any closer <it wasn't>. I did stay with him long enough to see him in line doing his ninja thing with his friend James in line. Ahh that kid of mine... Off I went to the FRB where I talked to the Helpdesk, had my meeting with the Data Team <or at least just Shilpa because James called in sick again on my meeting day>, a meeting that lasted all of 10 minutes, and then basically spent the rest of the morning catching up with my journal. I remember I would do the same stuff when I was working all day here in my old office back in the day. Even more so this time, no one cares what anyone is doing here, although being here at least gets a couple of the C's to pop in and talk to me face to face if just to say hi. And at lunch, I even decided to stick around and eat at the cafeteria upstairs. At least after I did 3 sets of exercises on the machines at the gym. I did over 100 reps in all. I may not have worked out hard, but at least I DID work out. And my biceps felt the pump LOL. And so I went to the cafeteria and ended up having lunch with Barbara my old CEO of all people. The lunch faire sure looks different than from before the pandemic. I would dare say it is better even. But then again, I would prefer to have the old crew back with Mark, and Jose, etc. exchanging banter and stories. Still I did enjoy the salmon over angel hair pasta with alfredo sauce.  And having lunch conversation with Barbara seemed very much familiar. We only had lunch for most days of the week back in the day. It was just she and i of course but a couple of years back, Faith would be with us, and so would Art, and so with Alan, and maybe Trailer too. Today's lunch was very much retro for me and I would guess for Barbara too. Anyway I went on home after lunch and I was ready for the second part of the day. This being the day after the Management Committee presentation, it's sort of a breathe out day for me and so I just chilled the rest of the afternoon until it was time to pick up Johnnie at school. There is definitely a familiarity with picking him up at STAR and I don't even have to wait for him anymore. A good thing too because we're headed to Lisa's office for the typical Wednesday Spanish class over there. And then of course after the Spanish class, it's dinner with Lisa. While Johnnie did his class, I tried to catch up on my steps in the hallway outside Lisa's office, realizing that I was barely at 20 active minutes and already 5000 steps. I didn't think I would get to 280 active minutes by today, but at least I could try to get as close as possible so i don't have to make it up all at once tomorrow. Johnnie did his class and then Lisa declared she was already done anyway. That WAS a surprise. Apparently she had cancelled her entire afternoon schedule because she had to go to the O/B doctor because she had another yeast infection. <Was it really a visit for yeast infection? I wonder. Hmmm. Then again if it was anything else would it really be any of my business. No I think not LOL> Anyway for dinner Lisa decided to indulge her 'let's just drive around and find the first thing that comes up' mode. And actually we did discover a hole-in-the-wall pizza place on Pico and 26th. And they had some pretty good pizza at that. All of us were definitely full and we took back a bunch of pizza too. And when Johnnie and i got home, we went to the hot tub like I promised him. And he did his sink-or-float game in the hot tub. While I did some static exercises to get my heart rate up and my step count up. And guess what, I ended up with over 12,000 steps. AND I managed to get to 97 active minutes. I don't know quite how I did that. I made it to 284 active minutes this week already! Of course I was pretty tired after all that. This day may have been pretty routine. But I get to do a lot of stuff on this routine kind of day. And I knocked off to sleep when Johnnie did...

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