Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Babysitting at Westlake North, Just A Hot Summer Day

So I woke up this morning from a deep sleep it felt like. I had those Arcturian audios playing while asleep, one supposedly simulating a light and sound healing chamber and also doing kidney regeneration. Whatever was happening, I felt rested this morning and so the usual get-Johnnie-ready and get-him-to-Tuesday-water-day was pretty smooth, especially considering I had to get myself ready to go to the Westlake North Health Center for the day. Yes, I'm playing Health Center Manager today. Funny. Really all that was was babysitting, someone to be there when the staff needs anything. I sure as heck am not there to deal with patient problems. But then again, as a leader, I should be able to deal with most anything right? Certainly to be able to connect people to whoever can solve their issues. Of course I would get nudges. Of course they would be IT related. Of course it would be a crusty older provider complaining that he had to keep restarting his computer. He came in to see me 3 times actually LOL. Otherwise, it's just me in front of my Mac doing my usual, except that I'm not at home able to get food and something to nibble on or go pee every hour or so LOL.I even started doing some in-place steps in the IT room since Larry and the Helpdesk was not there today. And for lunch I walked over to Gus's Drive Thru right down the street. Cost me $16 but it was pretty good turkey avocado panini and onion rings I had there. And already I noticed the day was far hotter than I'm used to when I am walking around my neighborhood at mid-day. Still it was a pretty uneventful day and it was pretty much like I was there but I didn't really do much nor did I pay attention to anything. Just there just in case and the staff pretty much did their thing, I suspect no different than if Eric the old manager was there anyway. By 3:30 I bolted thinking that I had already left Claire the dog for more than 6 hours. And when I went outside it was mid-90's hot. So much so I was starting to sweat just driving with the A/C going level 3. Still I got home inside of 20 minutes, before 4 PM. And I got home in time to change and take Claire out to poop and pee and it was already time to pick up Johnnie from camp...
Already this Tuesday was different and I must say different is ok sometimes. I still picked up Johnnie from camp with him gushing over the games he had played in the water. If there is anything that he learned this summer I think what I liked was his growing confidence in the water. Much MUCH better than the last couple of years! And I did ask him if he was excited to see his school friends again, digging at Lisa's argument that it's ok for him to miss the first day of school. Of course, he's excited to see his friends. They are HIS friends now. And I think it's cool that his TK class is going on their 4th year together. They will have had history now. Tonight Johnnie broke routine and instead of going to Panda Express, asked if he could do penne pasta in chicken noodle broth. I was happy to oblige AND augmented that with Dino chicken nuggets. Dinner of champions. And of course, Doritos nacho cheese chips. Me I made myself that barramundi with rice and lentils and a salad. And spent the next hour after dinner doing steps sporadically. But enough to amass over 11,000+ steps by 8 PM. AND 76 active minutes. And then while Johnnie was watching his SkyTeam videos <Hey I even got him started on the 90s Space Jam movie!>, I got into this article on the EGO and it had some really good insights about how to deal with it. It got into how the EGO loves panic and lives off the energy of FEAR. And that one's Higher Self is actually far more resilient. Like Honey Badger resilient. Tough to hurt, almost impossible to kill And is always in the space of NO MATTER WHAT EVERYTHING WILL BE OK. And so the article was really an exercise of getting more in the space of the Honey Badger in order to overcome the FEAR that the EGO manifests in your life. Gee, does that apply to me <LOL LOL>. All this fear about dis-ease, of dying, all because of a bad belief that I am not enough, that I am guilty, that I have things to be ashamed of. Well, all that stuff the HONEY BADGER part of me is simply smiling at and shrugs NO WORRIES. HONEY BADGER don't care. THAT is my new motto. My new rallying cry. My new motivational push.And at the end of the day, it was simply a hot August day that turned out way different than usual. But it was still just another hot August day. And I still managed to enjoy it just fine.

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