Sunday, July 31, 2022

Decoding A Good Golf Game

So today we're at Roosevelt Golf Course. And then right afterwards, we're supposed to go pay Dexter a visit for the 2nd Sunday in a row. Naturally it's another shot at de-coding how to manifest a good golf game. I started visualizations as of last night and saw myself make great shots on each hole actually. Felt what it would feel like if I had a good golf game, which is to say I made at least 2 pars. And you wanna know something? I started out like gang busters. I stopped thinking about my shot and actually got myself to relax and not feel any pressure at hole at least on Hole 1 and even on Hole 2. A decent tee shot on Hole 1, was followed by a nice chip over the sand that went way past the hole. But I chipped it close enough to where I made the par putt! Yeah! A par on Hole 1. I have 8 more chances to get the 2nd par already! And on Hole 2, I had a nice tee shot again but an even BETTER 2nd shot with a 5-wood that landed me right below the hill. And I chipped on the green in 3. I was still 25 feet out. But my putt came OH SO CLOSE to a par! As in I was off to the left by less than 1/4 of an inch!! I accepted the bogey easily of course, knowing full well I was already 1/4 inch off the 2nd par. And that was when I realized I had set the bar way too low. I should have tried for at least 3 pars. Because on Hole 3 I reverted back to my old programming. Hit the ball way left and then into the bunker and then missed the sand shot and then whacked it way out of there. I shot a 7 on the 3-par! And then on Hole 4 when I could easily reverse the negative programming, and I hit a mammoth tee shot, I then proceeded to hit the fairway shot into the bunker again. And the wheels would come off from there. Not until Hole 8 did I recover somewhat. And even then my rhythm was already way off. Sigh. So the learning lesson of today was that I somehow lost focus after Hole 2, I should have kept on getting into alpha state on the fly and visualizing good shots throughout. But I didn't. And I let too much of the old negative programming back on through, wasting a great start. Oh well... at least I could go back to that great start and try to replicate that and hold the focus through the entire game next time.
And so right after the game I went to Lisa's. I'm not even going to say how we ended up waiting on each hole, so much so we didn't get done until well past noon. And I didn't get to Lisa's until it was already 1 PM. What am I going to do? I was HUNGRY. And Lisa was still talking about going to Simon's to pay a visit to his lemonade stand. I can't understand what took them so long to go over there before I even showed up, but it's just Lisa being Lisa. I called Dexter, told him we were bringing Panda Express over. Which then gave me an excuse to go get the Panda Express stuff and wolf down a bowl of noodles too. Hunger issue solved. Now to get Lisa to get out of the house so we can get to Dexter BEFORE 3 PM at least. As it was we did not actually get there untill it was already 3 PM. But that's ok. So today present was Lee, Dexter's new girlfriend. I didn't even know he had a girlfriend until he mentioned it last weekend. How did he manage to meet someone new while convalescing? Oh well, as long a time as we had been giving him crap for not having someone in his life, this was a very good thing. She was Filipino of course, and had cooked lunch <I didn't know that>. And so we ended up having a nice lunch, and Johnnie got to eat his favorite teriyaki chicken. And then after lunch we discovered an Iron Man game that was an adaptation of the old game Operation. Of course dentist Lisa would take a liking to the game. And despite not even being interested at first, Dexter had a mammoth round easily destroying Lisa and Johnnie. The competitive fire of both mom and son were on full display, Lisa even bringing up the old swimming competitions from back in the day in Italy and Greece. Even Johnnie showed how much he didn't like losing. But at least we were able to find something to do besides eat. And by 6:30 PM, I made the motion to be on our way. Lisa of course tends to stay until way way late, but tonight I wanted to do some stuff for work still. It's Town Hall week next week after all. And SO, despite coming late and then all the Lisa shenanigans about leaving the house, we managed to keep our word and spend some time with Dexter and his new girlfriend. Lisa started to wig out on our drive home, thinking about all the stuff about her practice, about her employee that is now trying to collect unemployment and claiming a hostile environment, about her dad, her brother blah blah blah. I could see her wringing her hands with anxious energy. But at least she did not wig out on me. I dropped off mom and son, told them I'd see them tomorrow and went on home. I made a pepperoni pizza for dinner. Worked on the HRSA survey stuff. More stuff I could get done so I didn't have to do them tomorrow. And I was out like a light on the couch for the 3rd day in a row. 

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