Saturday, July 16, 2022

Saturday with Johnnie Unexpectedly

So today was not supposed to be a Lisa work Saturday and I wasn't expecting to see Johnnie much this weekend actually. Over dinner last night was when she informed me that she was, in fact, working a pretty heavy case today which would take the bulk of the day... and that she was way behind on notes. Meaning to say I'm going to need to watch Johnnie for most of the day which is just fine with me. Except... the plumber did not come at 8:30 PM last night like I was told. The emergency maintenance service came and still could not get my toilet unclogged. <Hmmm... could that be another one of those situations my other Self had manifested?> He did call the plumber and was supposed to come late in the night. But by midnight, no plumber and so the toilet clog remains unresolved as of this morning. On the other hand, no signs of any more bleeding at least. That's 24 hours. Although I did have to pee in my own shower in the middle of the night. Had to run the shower for a bit just to "flush". And I still felt like I had to pee every couple of hours but that's ok. One problem at a time.  I was prepared to take my time to pick up Johnnie at Lisa's office just as we had discussed last night. Until, she called in a frantic state. Apparently she had overslept and needed to get her butt to her office immediately. It was already past 8 AM. I told her to go on ahead and I'd be at her house in 6 minutes. I needed to use her toilet anyway just to poop. How annoying is THAT? Or maybe the Universe is simply working it out so I can poop at Lisa's house. And take a shower too. One thing I did learn today was that conditioner is much better for Johnnie's ever growing long hair now. It is much softer and smoother. Gotta buy some in my household I guess. So Lisa was just heading out when I got there. Or should I say tearing out with the engine on full rev from her garage?! That would be the fastest I have EVER seen her leave for work. Johnnie and I did take a nice shower in my personally-designed shower in the main bath upstairs. And then we went on to breakfast at iHOP. Johnnie seemed to be extremely keen on staying at Lisa's house today to "continue" to work on the house. One look at the pile of bricks that were laying in the front deck waiting to be cemented in place told me all I needed to know about what Johnnie's plans were. That works out actually since I actually don't want to be in my apartment except to let in the plumber that will HOPEFULLY get there today at some point. That's ok, he had his pancakes and scrambled eggs, and I got a whole lot of protein in myself. Ham, bacon, AND sausage. Am I heading more towards keto eating? I guess you can say that. We went on to my apartment first and then back to Lisa's house because Johnnie wanted to play with the bricks. He wanted to make everything permanent. Wanted to use glue. Why I had to blow it for him by telling him whatever he was putting up was likely to go down. Really why did I do that? Parenting lesson: Why couldn't I have just played along? That would be my ego trying to be a little too right rather than simply let Johnnie have his fun.  I had to make it up by showing him what those bricks looked like on real houses along the many along the way. 
We had a lot of choices for lunch but now I had to be back to the apartment by 2 PM because the building management finally got a hold of a plumber, with an arrival window of 2 - 6 PM . I figured we'd just go eat at the regular Panda Express Westwood. We had to pick up Claire at Lisa's house and then I hunkered down and waited. And waited. And waited. And let Johnnie watch a couple of movies. First the original Mignons and then the original Despicable Me. I had no idea both character sets were in each other's movie. By  5 PM still no plumber and I started to get a little frustrated. After all, I had been waiting for over 36 hours to get attention. I thought about that for a bit. Knowing now that every situation is something that has manifested because of something that is going on in my own mind,  I'm wondering if this is a combination of a test <for patience>, a blockage manifesting, and/or a distraction of some sort. It is likely all of the above, especially when I started to hear loud bubbling sounds and when I checked NOW the clog had expanded to the shower too. Oh great, now I can't pee there. Fortunately I did get the key to the pool bathroom. And that's where I took Johnnie when he had to go pee. Hey, his afternoon wasn't all that much different from just another lazy Saturday afternoon with dad, as seen in the picture. Finally right around 5 PM when I started to make Johnnie dinner, everything converged. I made dinner, the plumber came finally, and Lisa called to check in and let us know when she was coming to pick up Johnnie. I had to stay put of course now that the plumber had made his appearance. It took less than an hour actually. Johnnie had finished his spaghetti and pizza that I made him by the time the plumber was snaking the main plumbing down the garage. Apparently the clog also happened in the next door apartment. Boy I sure hope it wasn't all those bloody TP I flushed down when I was dealing with the bleeding in the middle of last week. No bleeding so far. And why would it? I had to pee someplace other than my own toilet... after I noticed the pattern that the bleeding only happened at the apartment. Or when I did something semi-strenous. Today I was satisfied walking 10,000 steps and not pushing it. Lisa came by 7 PM to pick up Johnnie AND continuing the pattern of the week, we actually had another event-free pick-up. SO different than the last couple of weeks. And I KNOW it is merely stuff I was able to adjust in my own energy. Same thing with the bleeding. Once I realized in my gut it was not serious, I was no longer afraid. What is serious anyway if the body will always heal itself.  Anyway the plumber finally got done and unclogged the toilet AND the shower and I cleaned the toilet and washed all the towels I used the last couple of days. Like nothing happened. Did all this hit the fan on Thursday? Finally this evening, it was sort of back to normal actually. The toilet was clean again as was the shower. And THAT blockage was resolved. We're all good.

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