Friday, July 29, 2022

A Paws Up Friday

So Johnnie decided to go to his mom's office again today, which is now the pattern on Fridays. I certainly support that he gets to spend all this time with his mom although she is working. For Johnnie, it's simply being in her proximity and how can you not go along with that. For me all that meant was that I didn't have to pick him up early and drop him off at day camp. And pick him up again later. I DID have to go to Lisa's house to pick up Claire though but I took that opportunity to do an errand. My golf card expired which meant I actually couldn't get a tee time this morning in August. And so I took care of that first thing. I went to Penmar and renewed my LA City golf card for the next year. And picked up Claire on the way home. And took a shower at Lisa's house to boot. <I reminded myself I hadn't showered since Monday!> I also took care of rent first thing <this one I noted so I can stack my gratitude feelings... after all it is yet another indication that I have plenty of money and that I am doing well financially, despite all the doom and gloom going on out there> and so it was already shaping up to be an errand kind of day. Truth be told it would be nice to do a Claire kind of tank day. Which is why I posted the picture of her just napping next to me while I was on my computer, paws up and all. Hence, the title of this post LOL. It's not like I didn't do work either. I did the Salesforce check-in mid-day, did James' performance eval which I had been holding out until today I guess. I held him out until last simply because his was the worst review I'm giving out for any one of my team members and I don't like giving out bad reviews. He was pretty bad all year though. He tested my patience to be sure. When I did his review he wasn't surprised at his low grade. He knew pretty much that he needed to work on communicating with me more when I ask him for status. He simply is not good at getting back to ANYONE. Still I felt a huge sigh of relief come out when I finalized his review once and for all. That alone was the work accomplishment of the day. I actually realized I had a lot of work to do. It's Town Hall week next week after all. But hey, it's PAW UP day isn't it. I'm not stressing it. I spent some time in the afternoon at Roger Dunn golf, since I was running out of tees and golf balls. And did some grocery shopping too at Trader Joe's. Errands errands errands. And I even found myself doing time-traveling with a bunch of old disks I had that had backup copies of photos and e-books and e-programs. For which I realized I had a lot of manifestation information already going back to almost 20 years ago. Isn't it time I actually did instead of dabbled?  At the end of the day I could be found handing Claire over when Lisa and Johnnie came by... at 5;30 PM! THAT is the huge benefit of Johnnie spending the day with Lisa. It keeps her much more more grounded and she doesn't get stuck at her office just whirling away until she is bone tired. In fact, she sounded plain confused that she is coming home early and she didn't have a thing to do LOL. As for me, I felt like having a pizza tonight so I walked to Ralphs and got me some thin crust and pizza sauce. And ground beef. Yes, ground beef. I'm thinking I need to gain just a little bit of weight back. Everything is about balance and there is something inside of me that is telling me that somehow losing all that weight has contributed to the bleeding episode too and has actually made it worse. Anyway, I simply walked leisurely like last night. I noted that I still managed more than 10,000+ steps yesterday on a REST DAY. And today, the steps felt like they came organically. Like I was already at 9,000 steps by the time I came back from Ralphs. And I was already well past 50 active minutes too. I would end up with 11,000+ steps today actually and more than 80 active minutes! In other words, a full Powerwalk day and I didn't even feel like I made an effort to do it. I did make myself some pizza, and ate some bolognese penne to boot, to eat up Johnnie's leftover pasta from yesterday. I was sitting on the couch watching the GRAY MAN on Netflix when I got a text from Johnnie. He was inviting me over to have pizza and movie night with them. WHY did they not invite me earlier??? Answer: if they did, I'd be sitting there tying myself in anxious knots simply watching Lisa be Lisa LOL LOL!! I agreed to come, letting them know I had already had dinner of course. And a big one at that. But I will NEVER turn down the chance to spend time with Johnnie under any circumstance. And so I found myself at Lisa's house at 8:30 having another slice of pizza and watching Winnid the Pooh on Disney with Johnnie. And I have to say that it actually was a pretty ideal Friday night! Lisa knocked off in the middle of the movie of course. But Johnnie and I watched until it was already 9:30. I did the dishes of course LOL LOL, brushed Johnnie's teeth, got him in his pajamas and helped him get Lisa to bed. No negative energies, no stress, no worries. Perfect! And I went on home to finish the GRAY MAN movie. Now THAT is a Friday that had everything for everyone. And all got what they wanted. Lisa got to do whatever she wanted and didn't have to infect anyone with negative energy, Johnnie got to watch his movie AND spend Friday night with BOTH his parents, and I got ME time and Johnnie time too! Perfect. 

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