Thursday, July 21, 2022

Echoes and Energies To Clear

I was thinking that all this stuff that has come up over the course of a week, the bleeding episode, the clog in the toilet and bathtub, now this week the cracked crown, the negative energy around the re-organization, all that is a manifestation of stuff and even though I'm not sure what the specific energies are I do know I have to clear them and clean them up. Even today when on the surface it looked like I simply had my usual slate of Team Meetings and then a noon appointment with Lisa to fix my crown I realize looking back at the day that those were merely surface events to a broader energetic background. Example: everything about work today had an imprint about all the reorg stuff and the energy was not at all positive. It was the energy of uncertainty and although that in itself is not negative, the underlying energy was not. In other words, the general reaction was not a positive one. Even for myself I found myself harboring feelings of ANGER, yes ANGER. What or who was I angry at? Executive Management in general? Any one of them in particular? Even another email from Dr Liao I could sense thoughts in me that were not at all respectful. And I did manage to link that negativity to the thoughts about the people I care about that got laid off. Whatever happens I NEED TO ACKNOWLEDGE my own feelings and not project or get projected upon. It feels close to that day in April 2013 when a whole bunch of us got laid off at USC Stevens. The difference was that that group included me in it. But it worked out just fine. Echo or not this time still doesn't feel good. And speaking of echoes, here I am on the dental chair getting worked on by Lisa and assistant and she's talking about our past stuff. Like that time at the Dental School when she did my crown as part of a competency and she couldn't get me numb. Man, I had forgotten about that. How she passed competency I do not know because as a patient I had had a terrible experience. But she did and here she is today, one of the best dentists in the area. She is a total pro now. Although it did take them an hour-and-a-half to finish my crown prep, for which I got a reward of a parking ticket when I got back to my car. Yet another negative blip. I think the lesson here is that I HAVE TO BE MORE INTENTIONAL ABOUT HAVING A GOOD DAY, GETTING THE OUTCOMES THAT I WANT, BE AWARE THAT THE EGO IS ALWAYS LURKING ABOUT, AND STACK WINS SO I AMPLIFY THAT THE UNIVERSE HAS MY BACK AND EVERYTHING ALWAYS WORKS OUT IN MY FAVOR
Clearly I did not to intentional planning today which is why stuff has seemed to reverse on me. Besides the parking ticket, I hear bubbling in my toilet and bathtub again and lo and behold, another clog. Only this time I knew merely checking the door of the apartment next to mine (#102) that they had a clog too. Water was seeping outside their door. I'm thinking they, in fact, are the root cause of MY bathtub clog! Somehow I needed to turn something around. Do something to raise my vibration and the energy around me. Stuff was still getting slung at me from work. I will assume that's going to continue when someone picks up all the stuff Courtney was working on. And I was reminded I still have 3 more performance evals to submit. sigh. I left the worst 2 ones for last. Tried to avoid thinking about them. Now I can't avoid them. I watched the episode of the Orville and got immediately emotional when a father <Bortus> came to the defense of his child and the other parent <Clyden> realized how much he loved the daughter he had previously left and disowned. It was then that I realized I was late picking up Johnnie! It was already 4:30. I rushed to Penmar to get him. They had watched the LA Sparks at arena today as part of their field trip series. How cool is that that he got to watch a professional basketball game? I didn't know when Lisa was picking him up but we got through his Spanish class and I made him dinner. Even though I sort of bullied him into eating as much of the dinner as I wanted him to, not so much how much HE himself wanted to. I realized immediately that I was trying to be in control. That is, my ego was trying to take control yet again. And when I did and I immediately felt remorse, Johnnie himself gave me an opportunity to make it up to him. We were out of ice cream. He was fine going to McDonald's to get a sundae. And so he scootered, I walked. Gotta get my 11,000 steps today somehow don't I? And I posted the pic of him at McDonald's with TODAY'S PLAY OF THE DAY. As mentioned, I didn't know when Lisa was picking him up. But I didn't really care either. I got too caught up writing up the rest of the performance evals. I did get done tonight once and for all. And it was 9 PM when I drove Johnnie and Claire back to Lisa's. She had just gotten home herself. I guess she had some telephone hardware stuff she needed to get fixed. By Jorge of course. They were still on the phone when I got there. Gave me a chance to say hi to Jorge face to face. I didn't feel like I had a particularly good day today. THAT was out of character for me. But I knew why I didn't. And what to do differently tomorrow. 

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