Monday, July 11, 2022

Monday Routine After Go Live Weekend

The start of a new week and I'm off and running as soon as I wake up.  OK, maybe not with action but my thoughts were of work first thing. That in itself isn't abnormal at all. In fact, I usually do start my Monday looking at the week's schedule. But today is the Monday following a full network upgrade implementation this past weekend and guess what? It's like it didn't even happen for me. As in, I left the guys alone and planned it and let them work. And it went fine. There were hiccups to be sure. But that is to be expected for such a large project. And the fact is, those hiccups were relatively minor. People not able to use scan to email. VPN users needing to get their systems reconfigured <after I told the Helpdesk to get it all done prior to>. It would appear, we had experienced a hardware failure anyway and so we're waiting on a router to come in. But we were so prepared with a Plan B, people are able to work pretty seamlessly as if nothing happened. And that by itself is a pretty good success metric, though it's qualitative more than anything. And so the first pic I post is me on the computer checking in on everybody and everything about the project. I have to say, considering the project management skills of Noriel <or the lack thereof> and his penchant for trying to pull stuff off on his own and then waiting until the last second to raise a yellow flag, he did pretty well over the weekend. And that's because I made everybody go over everything over and over until I got into their heads the urgency of the situation and the importance of having a Plan B. And by the time I convened the meeting at 10 AM everything was under control. By then of course I had already done my morning walk and I had already covered 5000+ steps and 40+ Active Minutes. Why not keep up the routine? And by lunchtime I started getting caught up with the 250+ emails I had gotten behind on for the week. THAT was the main thing for today, to get that backlog wiped out, including all the invoices I needed to approve and get paid. I thought I'd hear from Lisa sometime in the afternoon actually, to confirm whatever she was doing today. The last time we talked, I was supposed to pick up Johnnie from day camp. And she was supposed to have an errand in the OC. But then again this is Lisa we're talking about. All plans are fluid until they're not.
As it was it was Johnnie that texted me letting me know he skipped camp today. And so no picking him up. I don't even want to know what they did, all I care about was when to pick him up as we go back to day camp routine. This being a Monday I'm sure Lisa has a soccer game and so the routine was to pick up Claire and Johnnie's stuff first, and then to pick him up at the Santa Monica Airport soccer field. I had no intentions of joining them for whatever dinner plans they had. I made myself a pretty fine dinner actually. I baked the glazed barramundi from Sprouts, made some chickpea pasta and sautéed some beans, tomatoes, onions, and peas and topped the pasta with that with just some light tomato sauce. And it looked GREAT actually. It looked so good I had to take a picture. And it was pretty filling too. What a discovery I made! By the time I went on over to Lisa's house for the first pick-up it was 6:45. And Lisa was upstairs getting dressed for her 7:15 game. She had packed up Johnnie's stuff already in a bag. And we were ready to go. As in I did not even have to see her for a second! It was odd, but then again considering what had happened the last time we had interactions in the past couple of weeks, this was actually not only acceptable, I prefer it. If she can't keep herself from getting pissed off at me, then this is PERFECT! I took Claire and dropped her off at my apartment, and then I finished off my walk to get to almost 15,000 steps. And 135 active minutes. And then I added to that when I got to the SaMo field and realized Lisa's team was playing in the far, far end of the field. Gives me an additional 500 steps to be sure. I remember doing these little steps exercises back in the day when I would walk the perimeter of the field. And at the Crossroads Field in Santa Monica for the Sunday leagues when I would cart Johnnie around the neighborhoods by the school just to get my steps in that way. Funny little time travel segment I took. AND Johnnie must have remembered all those times he would play in the sand play area by the soccer field. Because he wanted to take a couple of minutes to play with some of the apparatus. He was way too small back in the day. But that was years ago. Now there isn't anything he couldn't play on. Look at the pic. Anyway, it was a good reminiscing moment. And then we headed on home and back he was to watching DinoTrux <he's gotten interested in that show again, and I remember it was more than a year ago when he last watched it> and me doing my audio fields on my computer. And Johnnie making his lists for the week. It's pool day tomorrow at Day Camp so that's kind of exciting for him. But by 9:30 he was off and asleep. And I wasn't too far behind. I did some audio fields on undoing harmful effects, if any, of any of the subliminals and frequencies, and other fields I had been listening to and I think it did something. I felt tired, which is usually what I would feel when my body is trying to recover from something that field had done in an accelerated sort of way. I was out too. Before 10 PM even. And that was ok. 

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