Tuesday, July 19, 2022

A Monday Off-Routine

As I woke up this morning, I already thought about what made this Monday different. What made this Monday different was that I had already done my work for today. Which meant I could focus on just resting my body and letting it heal some more. I was well aware I had had some bleeding yesterday while walking and playing golf, which I think I'm going to attribute to the exercise. And the fact that it was hot out there. And then last night again there was some bleeding, though not a lot really and I'm going to attribute that to sitting on my uncomfortable chair doing the work I was supposed to finish today. Still, there was no bleeding when I went to bed. And I was happy to see no bleeding this morning either.  I wanted to see if I could go a whole 24 hours without anything. I was almost thinking I was going to skip my usual Monday morning walk, or even just totally rest my body for today. What's one day right? But nope, I ended up heading out and not giving in to any thought forms that there was actually anything wrong with me. Some bleeding due to some ruptured blood vessel internally near my urethra? Ok. Is that serious? My gut says no and my body says no as well. And I did get to 5000 steps around my neighborhood just like usual. I even posted a pic of the garden overlapping into the walking path on one of the streets. Struck me how pretty it was on a mid-summer morning. I was actually tired when I got done with the 5000, and I think more because it had gotten pretty hot out there. I was a bit dehydrated. I downed some coconut water, and then some celery and apple juice and I was perfectly fine. I rested on the couch the rest of the morning, expecting maybe because of the exertion like yesterday, I might see some bleeding. But nope, not this morning. And not after lunch. THIS was encouraging. So much so I kept on doing steps. 6000. Then 7000. 8000. Still feeling good. I was already up to 70+ active minutes. If something was going to rupture now would be it. But nothing. The one thing was that Lisa called. She apparently had an appointment to the doctor. <Funny... SHE is going to the doctor yet again> She needed me to watch Johnnie. Which was perfectly fine with me. Apparently, he skipped camp today to hang out with his mom. As I said, I had already done most of my work for today. Besides, I could easily get him occupied with his videos. As it was, I did get stuff done, most notably some more performance reviews. I'm ALMOST done with those. And then instead of picking Johnnie up, Lisa called letting me know she wanted to go ahead with Johnnie's appointment tomorrow to get his new passport. Which meant now we had to help get his paperwork together. Off we went to Staples to get his passport photos done <see the pic of him on the scooter as we headed on over there>. And I had to get copies of my driver's license. Anyway we had to deliver all these to Lisa and we decided we'd stay for dinner anyway. Except Lisa didn't really have food I'd usually eat in her house. That was to be expected. And I decided I'd simply eat whatever she decided to make and not make a fuss about anything. She had a very late soccer game tonight and she was ok not having Johnnie watch it since it was past 9 PM. We went off with Johnnie's stuff. And Claire's new dog food bag. And Johnnie's broth for chicken noodle soup. And strawberries from her garden. She had Johnnie pick those. <Why she gets into these rush of activities, I'll never know... All I really want was to stay a respectable amount of time, not look like I'm rushing out... and then rush out LOL>. No rushing out tonight I'm afraid.  We stuck around and didn't eat dinner. Which meant we had to make a stop on the way home at Whole Foods to pick up a pizza slice for Johnnie. AND I still made him some penne pasta in that chicken noodle broth. AND made myself a shrimp salad for MY dinner. What I didn't like was that it was already almost 8 PM!! This is, by far, the latest Johnnie and I are having dinner at the apartment. Tonight, I didn't care. I managed to make it all the way to 15,000+ steps just like a usual Monday. And almost 120 active minutes. AND no bleeding. Some discomfort as if there was some low-grade infection. But I can definitely live with that and let that heal all by itself. So this was why it was an off-routine Monday. First I got to see Johnnie in the middle of the day. I didn't really work so much. Still thought about my internals, but no bleeding at all today! THAT by itself made it a good day. I went over 24 hours without any bleeding! And despite the late dinner, I was happy Johnnie was back with me. And we're doing good. 

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