Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Another Re-organization

This was already shaping up to be a much better Wednesday than last week, considering that was when all that bleeding stuff started. Although... I still had to contact Lisa's office to get my crown fixed. There is a certain satisfaction with the routine, at least as far as I am concerned and simply dropping Johnnie off at Day Camp and then driving myself down to the FRB is now the new Wednesday routine. I did not plan on staying long. All I wanted to do was test the bluetooth speaker for the upcoming Town Hall and pick up the TCL tablet to check out. AND work on that machine at the FRB gym that helps increase strength to do pull-ups. That would be the machine I took a picture of right there. I did 3 sets and also some lat pulldowns, satisfying the resistance training requirement for the day. And with the workout, I started to feel like it was back to a semblance of normal again, and I was extremely glad that there has been no more bleeding. The one thing that did happen today was that immediately as I walked in to the FRB, the Director of HR walked into the office I was using and asked to turn off access to the network for 4 employees. Uh-oh. When I saw the names, I winced. Geina Johnson I agreed with. I was wondering how she kept her job all this time. Victor Estrada was a guy I played golf with already so I felt bad he was let go. Victoria Accede I don't know why they would let go. She is on maternity leave for crying out loud. And then Courtney Gordon who I literally work with on a daily basis. What the heck are they - THEY meaning Marina and Dr Liao - doing? They must know? But do they really know how much work Courtney put in? I really doubt that. Worse was when I ran into Nyree the Director of Operations. It would appear that she didn't know any of this and therefore was most upset. I offered what support I could and told her we should call a Director's Meeting as soon as possible because she was clearly off-balance. Not a good sign if this took her by surprise. It means she had no buy-in. And for whatever Eloisa says about being confident in us to make the necessary changes. You can only do that when you're bought in. Clearly there was no 100% buy-in. Not that THAT is required. But it sure helps. I do know that for sure. Otherwise all this Leadership stuff is simply nonsense. And maybe I'm a bit emotional too. Hard not to be when some of these people are the folks you go to battle with. I sure hope they know what they're doing. And that's the best I can do. 
And so I went on home at least clinging to the positive that (a) I got a work out in and (b) no bleeding for 3 straight days now (c) I will see Lisa who will at least get to see my broken crown later on this evening. I also needed to remind myself that all this going on today is simply my Ego-Self again dredging up some chaos in my awareness to fling me off-balance. It would make sense right? I remind myself that this is the time of year historically that some huge change has taken place in my life. Heck I got my job at QueensCare around this time 9 years ago. Only last year, we had our last dinner in a while with Sharon and Varsha. And of course 4 years ago around this time I moved out of the Maplewood house and rebuilt my life from scratch. I think I got my Honda exactly 4 years ago to the day in fact. I need to make sure I am focused on the things I really want to focus on. And OBTW if I am really now believing more and more in subtle energies and energy healing and those sciences, then I should learn how to heal not only myself but those closest to me don't I? I mean Dexter is sitting in a hospital as we speak. My relationship with Lisa seems to have improved but I also know that has to be focused on week by week by week until it sticks. And so it was that I picked up Johnnie at 3:45 pM today and then headed on to Lisa's by 5 PM. I expected same old same old... that is, another billing oriented kind of meeting that Lisa is trying to preside over. On the one hand, I do think they have too many of these meetings. On the other hand, it IS par for the course for a small business owner isn't it? Something to think about. In the meantime, I pretty much left Johnnie alone to do his Spanish class while I did steps in stealth outside in the corridor. Now that I am feeling much much better, no reason not to do 11,000 steps today is there? And besides, can I even shoot for 280 active minutes, which I had easily done by Wednesday the previous few weeks? Johnnie did his class and then Lisa scheduled me for tomorrow to fix my crown. Cool! And then let us know she had to be home by 8 PM to do her walk with Melissa. It was already 7 PM when she told us this. And so we just settled on all eating at Panda Express.  I had eaten pretty healthy stuff all day anyway. I could eat carbs and meat tonight. It was already close to 8 PM by the time we went home. And Johnnie only had an hour of video watching left LOL. In the meantime, I needed to process today and make sure I wasn't stuck in reaction mode. Johnnie was already thinking about tomorrow's field trip to arena watching the LA Sparks game. And went to bed by 9:30. I did too. But it was a warm night. So much so I had to take a fan out where Johnnie slept. Just a mid-July summer evening. And we're all good.

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