Thursday, July 28, 2022

Performance Reviews

One of the things about the month of July is not only is it a timemarker for so many events in my life, on a routine basis, it's also the month we do Performance Reviews at work. I did them all already and got them turned in a week ago. And this week I have had to meet with most of the staff to do the actual reviews. I really only had 2 that I didn't like to do, one of them being the one with James. So I pushed that to the last. And I got to everyone else by today. When all was said and done all those reviews took at most 15 minutes and it was a stretch to even get it to that. Good news was that everyone so far had a very positive response to the reviews. But then again, I'm holding the not-so-good-one until last. We'll see tomorrow. Finally all done, I felt like a weight was off my shoulders. I got to chill and hang with Claire on the couch for the good part of the day, walk around outside and when I say walk I meant a restful, peaceful walk, not the Powerwalk I usually do when I'm trying to log steps. Today I decided not to push so hard. I think that was what was my body has been trying to tell me. I cut down on carbs AND kept my physical activity at a pretty high level. Added some weight work too. Sometimes I could literally FEEL the burn and by that I meant that my body was burning something, fat or muscle. On the one hand that means my metabolism is working just fine. On the other hand, I think I need to incorporate some real rest and recovery in my routine as well. At least there was no more bleeding today, just some leakage with my pee but it does not at all feel like something I need to be concerned about. With that said, there are still some lingering thoughts that there is some dis-ease I need to deal with. Which is why I know I need to deal with the THOUGHTFORMS first for sure. 
At least I had some emotional release, which came in the form of a reaction to a particularly emotional episode of the Orville that I watched in the afternoon. Dang, when did that show really start getting that good! I also noted that in the morning, I got to focus on releasing 'connections'. Connections to thoughts of dis-ease, mine or others. Disconnecting with dis-ease thoughtforms with the Dexter visit, from Lisa's physical and office issues, from my own office issued. I disconnected and released them and I felt extraordinarily light and relaxed this morning. No negative thought forms about traffic, no urgency about anything in particular. And I had a pretty chill kind of day. And when I picked up Johnnie later on in the day, I connected to this time last year when that simple act of picking him up was something that felt good and something I knew would bring a smile to my face whenever I remembered it. I remembered it now. Don't know why it made me feel good other than it was the SPIRIT of SUMMER. There's only 2 weeks left for Johnnie after all and then back to school he goes. Tonight, it's simply another Thursday night and he's eating penne pasta in chicken STARS broth and Claire is at his feet waiting to pounce on whatever food he drops on the ground, that goofy dog. In the meantime, I was in take-the-foot-off-the-gas mode, although I still managed to do 10,000+ steps. I still managed to do 46 active minutes. Still pretty good on the average. And although I had an awareness that something was still supposedly bothering me internally, like I felt like pee-ing still and maybe my body is still purging and detoxing in a healthy way.  And it might go on for a little bit. That's supposedly good right? At least there's no blood LOL. Lisa came and got Johnnie at 7:30 PM and had an uneventful hand-off. I really like those. [Bye DAD!!] I heard him yell as she drove off. And off I went to relax the rest of the evening away. It was a pretty chill day and that's a good thing.

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