Saturday, July 30, 2022

A Spontaneous Johnnie Saturday

I was right about to go into my meditation session first thing this morning when immediately that plan changed. My phone rang and it was Johnnie letting me know he wanted to have breakfast. Immediately I knew that Lisa was still out of it <she already was  last night> and that she was in lazy mode, or do-my-notes mode, or whatever else mode but whatever mode it was it did not involve breakfast for either herself or Johnnie. Enter dad of course. And so it would be no surprise to find me in her kitchen making Johnnie some sour dough bread with gnutella and a spinach onion omelette. I shrug off all negative memories of getting yelled at for using the wrong thing in her kitchen and simply made breakfast. All while Lisa stayed upstairs writing notes. Apparently both mom and son were already up since 5:30 anyway. Today I simply released all resistance to whatever energy Lisa had or that I anticipated that she had and simply focused on a breakfast Lisa would like. And lo and behold she actually liked whatever I made and had positive comments to boot. And then of course I got to wash dishes, brush and floss Johnnie's teeth. And at least we were out of the house headed to the park with Lisa's full blessing and how rare is that?! And I had to post a couple of videos because we ended up spending a pretty cool next couple of hours at Marine Park next to Penmar golf course. I would always see this park from Hole 3 but I don't remember ever coming here. Heck it was a drive around just to find how to get in there actually. But when we did there were basketball courts where Johnnie and I played some. Johnnie reveled in watching me miss 12 shots in a row from the free throw line. WHAT? What was THAT all about! Of course I had to undo that memory later on. While Johnnie played on the playground stuff, I made sure I made at least 5 in a row. Low energy my ass! It turned out Johnnie even ran into one of the kids from Penmar day camp and so he was amused and entertained just fine. Afterwards we swung by my apartment just so I could make myself some pineapple juice. Hey we both got our money's worth in terms of physical activity didn't we? And then I was ready to drop him off at Lisa's. We got there by 11 AM and we were met with... silence. Lisa was asleep. And so Johnnie and I simply went back to my apartment where he got to watch more of his videos, He ended up taking a shower there too. I got to make him spaghetti for lunch and even my own version of chicken teriyaki courtesy of pre-made chicken strips we got from Ralphs. And I finished the rest of last night's pizza for my lunch. Hey, we ended up spending the entire morning together after all! These spontaneous circumstances are always the best. When we got back to Lisa's it was already 1:30 and she was up. And we even got her when she was getting ready to yell at us for not having brushed Johnnie's teeth. Not today Lisa. Not today. We did that BEFORE we left this morning. I went home feeling totally gratified that I had already had a pretty good Saturday. The rest of the day I just cruised. I went to Target, bought gift cards for next week's Town Hall, did laundry, finished approving timecards so I didn't have to worry about it on Monday <only absolutely necessary thing to have gotten done by Monday morning>, watched the Dodgers blow a lead, made myself some spaghetti and then a nice ahi tuna salad for dinner, exchanged chats with a potential date on Match finished 10,000 steps and 52 active minutes <remember I'm still not forcing anythng> and basically just cruised the rest of Saturday away. And it was all good. 

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