Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Uneven Energy

So this morning I woke up groggy and stayed foggy all morning actually. I remember being up at 4 AM and going right into Alpha meditation from there for at least 2 hours. And I actually felt like I had one of those awake-but-asleep lucid dreaming periods. I went through my images that I do cycling on, imagined myself getting $15K a month, and experiencing perfect health. In other words, my desired outcomes. But in doing all this, when I woke up, I was definitely sluggish. Like I had slept all night. And a deep sleep too. And I had to wait a bit to get fully awake. As in I felt half asleep all the way to getting Johnnie showered and dressed. And I gave him extra time to boot. So much so it was almost 7:30 by the time we got out and got his breakfast. Almost 8:00 AM when we got out the door on the way to day camp. AND I had planned on going to the FRB this morning too in order to test the new videoconference system. So much for taking a shower beforehand. I wanted to leave right after I dropped Johnnie off. That's because I wanted to do our IS Team Meeting at the Founder's Room using said new videoconference system. I got there at 8:50 and it was not set up. And so of course I had to blow up at Larry and Sheng. After I told them to get it ready for the meeting. Last week! In any case, look at the pic of the. screen. The system IS pretty sleek, especially the way the camera tracks you when you move. Not only did I do the IS Team Meeting from there, I stuck around and did the HCCN Meeting from there as well. I was already there anyway, might as well take the thing out for a proper spin.
AND while I was at the FRB anyway, I decided to stop at the gym on my way out. There was one apparatus in particular I wanted to use. It was the machine that lets you train on pull-ups. And I did 3 sets. And also did lat pulldowns. So I got a workout in to boot. A pretty productive day at the FRB. And I was home before lunch! This being a Tuesday and all, I didn't really have a whole lot to do in the afternoon. I focused on more energetic audios. By this time, my energy had picked up some. Enough for me to do a whole lot of steps in the afternoon. I mean it is still a nice summer day after all. Not too hot, and with a cooling breeze blowing. And so I got to 7000 steps before it was time to pick up Johnnie. When I got there I saw him in the corner looking bored. By the time I went to get him it was 4:30 and most of the kids had already been picked up. Hmmm. I guess I have to pick him up a tad earlier. Today we went right on to Panda Express to pick up his dinner. We went to the Sawtelle one, which we hadn't gone to in a while. We had been going to the Westwood one since one of the staff Edna, always gives us a discount. How cool is that! Today it was just his dinner. And I made myself that bone broth shiitake noodle soup with shrimp and cabbage. A healthy dinner it was. I was on my computer the rest of the evening actually...until. Johnnie came in and said he wished we could adopt another child. What??? He said he wanted a brother or sister he could take under his wing. To "train" were his exact words LOL. What was that all about? All I could think of was that he wanted company and I needed to be present with him more. Watch the shows he watches. Do more activities with him.  Yes I definitely felt bad that he had to express that, which meant he wanted more attention. And so I immediately dropped what I was doing and spent the rest of the evening with him watching his DinoTrux. I think I managed to address that part of him that needed attention. I know it wasn't just attention, it was MY attention that was required. And I KNOW I need to do more. Hopefully no need for any more reminders from Johnnie in the future. I put him to bed at 9:30. I did some FasterEFT tapping on releasing emotions connected to my supposed prostate condition before going to bed. I was still a bit tired from the day. Uneven energy. 

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