Tuesday, July 19, 2022

One Problem Gone, Another Shows Up

It is Tuesday and it is not a normal  day, at least not in terms of the Johnnie routine to day camp. No day camp for him today. That's because Lisa decided to go through with the appointment to get Johnnie his passport. I can't argue that that isn't important. Not if they plan on going to France later on this year. Heck I'm planning on going too hopefully. So that appointment is for noon at the Brentwood post office so there was no point in dropping Johnnie off at camp, even for just a few hours. I thought it was a better idea to simply let him sleep in. Especially since I would get to sleep in too. I mean look at him at the pic I posted with Pikachu stuffed animal next to him. Looking at that makes me feel everything is ok in our Universe. This morning we simply took a shower, had our breakfast and then I did my usual Tuesday routine with the IS Team Meeting. And let Johnnie watch whatever video he wanted to watch. Hey, it's summer. I'm not going to make him do anything. Besides, later on when we get back from his appointment, I told him we'd go to the pool and he could have his Tuesday water fun day anyway. Just by himself is all.  I should note that there had been no bleeding for me through the night, which would mark more than 24 hours that there has been no blood seepage and that is very, very good. All we needed to do was make Lisa some lunch, always a dicey proposition knowing full well she was going to find something she didn't like with whatever food I brought simply because I brought it and had a hand in making it LOL. I decided to do it anyway and not pay attention to her reactions. Actually something did bother me this morning. I found out by texting Dexter about Silvia's arrival that he had been in the hospital since Friday for his second operation. And it did not go as expected. The whole point was to get him off that bag he carries around for him to poop in. They found some complication that they couldn't remove the bag and let the hole heal. They had to wait another couple of months to try again. Dexter seemed frustrated. Heck I would be. In fact, I would be pissed as shit! Going back in time if you would have told him this would be his prognosis, I'm pretty sure he would have decided differently. I mean it seems extreme for not being able to poop. NOW you know why I didn't bother to even consider going to the doctor for my bleeding episode. What I am certain of was that there is a disruption in the energy flow in my body and whatever layers of root causes there were needed to be addressed. But at the end of the day, I never thought it was serious. I simply didn't buy it. I knew my ego-Self wanted to see me reach out for help, but fortunately, I had several instances of proof where going to the doctor for my case was not helpful. Nor did it even treat anything. I know my body can heal itself. I just needed to figure out what the best environment I could create mentally and emotionally was in order for that to happen.  And I think I was able to do that. 
Anyway as far as the passport appointment went, it was a successful one. Almost a non-event really. In my opinion, just a normal thing we would have gotten done in the middle of the day kind of like all those times Johnnie and I had to do covid tests and stuff a year ago, only we had Lisa with us this time. True to form she found something she didn't like in the turkey sandwich that I made and I was fine with that. I simply didn't care. And she was just as saddened as I was when I told her about the Dexter thing. I feel so bad for him. We did have one hiccup, which was that Lisa didn't make copies of the birth certificate, or her license. But fortunately there was a copy place right across the street  from the post office. $2 and a 10 minute detour and we were back and inside of 20 minutes we were all done. Like I said, eezy peezy as far as I was concerned. We even got Lisa back to her office by 12:30 right on time for her afternoon set of appointments. As for Johnnie and I? We got him some chicken strips from Jack-in-the-Box and I made him some udon. He barely ate anything which meant those became my lunch too LOL A good thing since I had to do a Town Hall prep meeting at 1 PM. And after that we went on to the pool. Johnnie is now very much comfortable with floating to the bottom and jumping in the pool. He's so not afraid anymore and I'm so glad he had his water day anyway. Now as far as the new problem that surfaced tonight, I was chomping on a tuna sandwich when I felt some crunching. I thought that tuna had bones in it. Turned out later on it was my crown! I had broken it! Has it been more than 15 years since this crown was put in? If so, then it was due wasn't it? Funny, no more bleeding which meant that I was able to work that out with my ego self. In fact, I focused on a gentle release. Gentle being the operative word. Somehow, my ego-Self got me to accept going to a healthcare professional to get something fixed. And gave me the most benign problem. And even coupled that up with using Lisa as a side actor to provide the help. Kind of addresses issues between she and I doesn't it? That's ok. I am far more ok with getting dental help than medical believe me. I sent Lisa a text about the crown and was so unconcerned about it I didn't even care that she hadn't texted back. We'll deal with it tomorrow.

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