Sunday, July 10, 2022

Golf Sunday Mid-Summer

I checked my journal and a year ago was the last time Chris, Greg, myself, and Scott played together. It feels much longer than that and candidly, I have settled in with just Scott and I. Today it was he and I at Altadena for a 9 AM tee time. Funny thing about Altadena is that it is probably the only public course where they don't insist on blocking groups less than 4 together. And so we followed a 3-some and were followed by another 2-some. So really it was just Scott and I. The thing was that this sort of makes it more of a wait on each hole no matter when you tee off, but then again it really isn't all that bad. For me, it's just another chance to work on my programming. I know beyond doubt that when I am whiffing from the fairway, that's just mental programming and I need to find a way to replace it somehow. The tee shots I got down pretty much I think. But maybe I need to expand the program some so that includes fairway shots and putting too. Oh and most recently, I have totally sucked at approaching from less than 40 yards out. Case in point Hole #1. Scott and I were both on the fringe after 2 shots. I remember Hole 8 was the same way. But I overshot the hole on the 3rd shot and then barely missed my par putt. From the fringe. I'l take a bogey every time. But same thing with Hole 8. Badly missed the par putt and settled for bogey. Otherwise my tee shots were just fine. I had a nice blast on Hole 2, 3, and 4. Even Hole 5 though way wide right still went pretty far. And Hole 6 went just in front 40 yards off. Where I did the same thing, overshooting the hole all the way to the fringe. Always some component of my game that I have to buckle down on huh?! So Scott and I started well, but we tanked towards the end. specifically the last 3 holes. Maybe it was the heat because it sure did get hot. We're talking about Pasadena hot now. We didn't play badly but we could definitely could have done better. Oh well. Still no successful re-programming today. Gotta keep working on it. I wonder if there is a morphic field on playing better golf??? Maybe I should make one...
I felt dehydrated on the drive back. And swigged almost an entire container of coconut water the second I got home. Yesterday Lisa told me Henry was coming over for a barbecue, presumably with their new baby. My anti-social self didn't really want to deviate from my Sunday morning routine so I was ok not to go. Even when Lisa sent a video and a pic from the afternoon, I made up something about not being available so I didn't have to go over. I thought maybe I would do some ME time just to complete all the recovery activity from yesterday. So instead I watched the Dodgers sweep the Cubs at Chavez Ravine coming all the way back from TWO 5-run deficits. AND I watched a dowloaded version of the new Thor movie - Love ane Thunder. It is a Marvel movie after all and I will find time to go watch it in a real movie theater maybe later on. I could have today but I simply didn't feel like leaving the couch after spending the morning in the hot sun.  I ate in for lunch and later on, I made little stuff for dinner actually. I remember I had actually caught up on all my errands yesterday. So no grocery shopping, no laundry, not even house clean up was left for today. I could just simply sit and chill the rest of my Sunday away. There was some inner work that needed to be done and I noticed that for whatever reason, something was pulling my attention back to the prostate stuff. I remember I almost couldn't hold it waiting for this guy in the bathroom at Sprouts yesterday. And I had to deal with his blasted shitty mess that he left. Yuk Yuk Yuk!!! And today I felt like I couldn't hold my pee either. I do have to reverse this consciousness of aging I think. And I put on audio after audio on addressing the prostate stuff. And I think I actually felt the energy working a few hours in. I do know that all that physical stuff IS another point of re-programming. Including manifesting the opposite. I'm still working on that one. That and clarifying my focus and holding to it. Weird how I ended up staying up until well past midnight though. I still had a pretty good weekend. And a pretty good week despite not seeing Johnnie for most of it. It turned out ok.

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