Friday, July 8, 2022

Look Who's Back In The House

My understanding was that Johnnie and mom came home last night and Lisa has to work today, which meant she has to drop he and the dog off in the morning. Right? Then again you never know with her. Which is why at 8:10 AM while I was trying to log in to my computer to start my day I was thinking to myself... "I hadn't heard from her just yet. What are the chances she had made other plans and I won't see Johnnie today after all?" All that resolved 5 minutes later when she finally called after all. AND an even better surprise... she actually asked if it was ok for Johnnie to spend the night tonight and she will just see them tomorrow night, since she works tomorrow as well. I couldn't have been more agreeable to THAT. I hadn't seen Johnnie since the weekend after all. And when they came Johnnie was CLEARLY excited to be back at the apartment. I was happy too. We're back to normal. Sort of LOL. I get to have Johnnie all day, but then again it IS still a workday, Friday though it may be. AND I have a meeting at 9 AM and another at 11 AM. Work work wotk <sigh> That's ok, at least people will know I'm definitely hard at work. And I need to remind myself I should work on getting enough passive income to match current levels so I don't have to do that anymore. And then Johnnie and I could have had the day at someplace fun like Universal Studios or something. I should have taken the day off. But I didn't. At the last second I had it in my mind that maybe we could go to the Dodgers game tonight he and I. They're playing the Cubs, a Friday night game, it's rare that I have Johnnie on a Friday night and looking at the remaining home schedule for the 2nd half of the year, I don't know when an opportunity like this would come again. But I waffled and even asked Johnnie's opiniion. Of course he wouldn't feel that strongly about it. He hadn't been to Dodger stadium ever. And he instead asked to play baseball this afternoon, which I was happy to do of course. <see pic> We played for a good 45 minutes out in the yard, almost losing the ball twice. He can hit it that far already. Imagine what he could do with a real baseball by now. AND he can throw as well. As it was, we didn't do much else this Friday afternoon. Just like a normal weekday. Still we were having a pretty pleasant day. UNITL. Johnnie had his Spanish class at 4:30 PM of course. He remembered to bring his computer. But when he got on and Hayil his teacher got on, we couldn't hear her. We logged in and out a few times, still no go. I tried another device and see if we could hear her on the iPad. Still no go. What the heck? Is the problem on her end? She didn't seem to think so and any way what could she do? By 5 PM, we all gave up. Well she emailed me letting me know we can try again next week. I really lost patience by now. Ane when we kept trying to do Zoom meetings on our end, and Johnnie tried to close the bedroom door <on my instructions to swtich places trying to do a Zoom test meeting> the pullup bar came down and I blew up at him. Yelled at him even. It really wasn't his fault. This is no different than him kicking the soccer ball at Lisa's lights last week and knocking the whole thing down. How can you get mad at him for that. FOr his part, my yelling didn't faze Johnnie. Probably because he sees enough of it from his mom. And for my part, I apologized once I realized all this was just the Universe testing my patience yet again. When I found out what the problem was <it was on our end all along> it was nearly 5:30. Johnnie and I headed to Panda Express for his dinner and then stopped at Poquito Mas for mine. Third Friday in a row we're doing this. Ahi tuna tostada salad for me, although I didn't eat the tostada. Pretty good though in terms of a keto-friendly dinner. And then AFTER dinner, Johnnie scootered to McDonalds while I walked to round out my steps count tonight. I treated Johnnie to an ice cream sundae topped with M&Ms. Sort of my apology for yelling at him. And he did remember we would do this some on Fridays when I was still living at Maplewood. During the summer. Yes we sure did. He and I would go while Lisa stayed home and rested. A retro summer Friday night it was. I didn't get to do my meditative walk but that's ok. I did enough morphic fields to cover the difference. In fact, I spent the rest of the evening re-making my wealth subliminal. This was because I read that doing your own is actually more effective than listening to a generic one. At least you know the affirmation right? It was nice to put Johnnie to bed in MY house for a change on a Friday night. REALLY nice not to have to worry about Lisa and deal with any emotional baggage she brings home. Instead I had a nice meditative session even and looked forward to a nice day tomorrow. What a difference. The only thing was that I stayed up to watch the Dodgers game. The one I was about to buy tickets to this afternoon. The Dodgers were behind all game. I would have hated that. But then they came from behind to tie in the last inning and win it in the 10th. I don't know if we would have stayed for that and I would have kicked myself that we didn't since they own the game. Oh well. 

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