Thursday, July 7, 2022

Short Week Winds Down

It's Thursday already and this week has honestly sped right on by it seems like. There's the usual slate of team meetings in the morning but other than that, there really isn't much urgency for anything. And without Johnnie to worry about all day <they're back home tonight>, it's simply more ME TIME today. To say I miss him is an understatement, even if I got to talk to him yesterday. What was unexpected was that I miss Claire the dog too. As in I got up at 6:30 AM this morning and I actually mentally looked for her to take her for a walk when I got up and out of bed. And then after my slate of meetings I thought about her again, since I usually take her out for a walk around that time of day. And so I drew her in to the pic I took of myself at mid-day LOL LOL. I'm sure she's doing just fine with her mom and Johnnie. In the meantime, it's just another beautiful summer day in SoCal. And I don't mind mentioning that we got yet another reprieve from the move to go back to the office. It was supposed to be announced last Wednesday after the Town Hall that return-to-the-office on Wednesdays was encouraged. I've been coming in anyway so no big deal for me. It's actually a nice change of pace even. But as far as the whole return-to-work thing? I am definitely preferring hanging out near the apartment every day. And not having to change from my T-shirt and shorts. I noted that I already had to buy 3 new khakis over the last couple of weeks because I had lost all that weight, my clothes are literally sagging off me. I find it baffling that so many Americans find it hard to lose weight. I didn't do anything except stop eating carbs and sugars and mine came off easily. OK, that wouldn't be easy for everyone I realize that. But it's also not that hard either. If having to get new clothes is the price for my blood pressure normalizing after almost a decade and my resting heart rate going back down 15 pts to 60-61, then I think the vast majority would take that. I certainly would. i certainly do. 
The rest of the day I chilled on the couch, caught up on my subliminals and morphic fields. I have narrowed everything down to working on clearing blockages in my subconscious AND also getting myself attuned and more sensitive to energy fields around me. Today I threw in a morphic field for a leg workout too. In addition to doing 125 squats 'manually'. My legs did feel sore afterwards though I'm not sure that was more the squats than the morphic fields. That and I took my later afternoon walk that covered 6000+ steps. From my apartment around Mar Vista Park, a stop for a set of pullups, then a stop at Whole Foods. While I was there anyway I got some meatloaf and green beans from the hot buffet. I mean, while I'm focusing on getting a little more fat in my diet, might as well get some at Whole Foods. At least it's healthy, and at least I continued to stay away from carbs and sugar. And then made the roundabout all the way home. When i was done I went from 3500 steps to almost 8500 steps and got my 60 active minutes in. And I even threw in my smell-the-roses, enjoy-the-breeze-blowing-against the trees moment at the end of the walk. As I had been saying, these walks actually feel meditative an relaxing and I think goes a very long way towards raising my vibration. I went home and made myself some shrimp and spinach for dinner (got that idea from last Sunday at Lisa's house) AND finished the last of my tuna salad too. Anyway I think I had plenty to eat tonight LOL. I watched the latest episode of the Orville. I also realized that without the emotional burden of shielding myself from interactions with Lisa, the evening was actually nice and quiet. The week had wound down to another hopefully uneventful Friday tomorrow. And I am very much fine with that. 

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