Saturday, July 2, 2022

A Breakthrough With Lisa?

So Johnnie woke me up at 6:15 this morning asking when I was coming over for breakfast. I found that odd to be honest. He NEVER wakes up that early with me. I was pretty sure Lisa was still asleep even. Anyway, I dozed off another hour and at 7:30 I decided to go over to Lisa's to see what was happening. As far as I knew I was still imvited to breakfast and there were no signs from last night that Lisa was in the midst of one of her usual funks. How wrong was I... As soon as I got there, Johnnie was already in high energy running around and I could tell Lisa still hadn't gotten up out of bed. As soon as Johnnie saw me, I knew he shifted into Saturday-with-dad mode. I could hear him go upstairs and tell Lisa "I'm going with my dad to his house".  Unable to decide on what to do next because I didn't want to set Lisa off, what I did instead was what set her off. I asked her if I could  take Johnnie with me to get my car washed. Old memories of Lisa holding me hostage pre-Johnnie when she would just not know how to function on a Sunday morning when I'm trying to get out of the house to get to golf was one of the biggest reasons our relationship started to fray and fall apart. She started to do that most Sundays. And I hated it. Boy I HATED it. She immediately flew downstairs and started to go agro about me taking her son while we were simply supposed to have breakfast. She was really stuck on the breakfast idea I suppose. I simply thought she wasn't going to have breakfast because she was in a depressed funk on her own bed.  I wanted to leave it be and not be around her. She started to yell and complain like the Lisa of old,  I'm being self-centered, I'm this I'm that. Then she targeted everybody else. Her staff, her patients, even Tom Gordon. My first knee-jerk reaction was to just get the hell out of there. Even Johnnie had bugged out and retreated to the piano room poor thing. I made it to my car and then realized that my phone wasn't in it. I left it in Lisa's house. Shit. I had to go back and get it. And she was still in the middle of her rant. Damn, why couldn't I find my phone?!! And then suddenly I decided to just sit on the couch and let her rant away. Bleh bleh bleh. And in a moment of enlightenment, I decided her rant wasn't towards me. She was angry. But not at me. She was just angry. And that anger needed an outlet. I simply didn't need to let it be me. Wow. Maybe all those morphic fields on energy shields and protecting myself must have taken effect. Because I was simply able to watch her as an observer, instead of the object of her rant. And from there, I actually asked her the right questions to interrupt her pattern and got her off her downward slide. I simply reminded her that most people will always think about themselves, and some can be assholes about it. Some asshole behavior you can't accept. Like some of her patients. Some, like Tom Gordon, like her dad, or her mom, you have to because they're family. And with that moment of illumination I got her back to normal. Wow. She even made us all breakfast. She made us scrambled eggs, sour dough toast for Johnnie, warmed up a pastry, made green tea. And we actually had a pretty pleasant breakfast leading into her going to her Pilates class at 9 AM. Like nothing happened. And today I'm happy to report, nothing did. I washed the dishes, played with Johnnie. Actually I let him watch MegaMind and I did my steps outside in the grass. Nostalgically held my old surfboard from way way back in the day. I stayed out there until I heard the garage door go up, indicating Lisa was coming home. Off came the TV, out to the grass came Johnnie, plop on the backyard chair went Lisa. And I told her I was going to the grocery store. Meaning: time to clock in. Only I didn't say anything to that effect. Anything I say sets her off, then the solution is simple. Say as little as possible. Just exit. By this time it was only 10:30 anyway. I still had a full day ahead of me and I had already spent some time with Johnnie. And best of all, I was able to turn around a Lisa agro episode. Does that count as a breakthrough. Today it does. It sure does. 
What did I do the rest of the day? A whole bunch of nothing actually. On the couch, tried to take a nap but instead got immersed in morphic field videos. Today I was focusing on workout, muscle-building fields having gotten an awareness that maybe I had lost too much weight too fast. I mean my clothes are totally falling off of me. I think maybe I need a little more meat on my bones. I'm looking a little too skinny and I do not have the strength I used to have and I want it to not drop off so much. I mean I can remember benching 135 lbs just a few years ago. Oh wait, we were still at the Westwood apartment. That means it's almost 6 years ago. Wow. Still I do not accept that I've gotten that much weaker in 6 years. I simply need to work out more. And today I did the auto morphic field on upper body workout. I didn't venture out until it was 5 PM and I headed to Marina del Rey because I wanted to go to Ralphs over there to see if they had those pea protein meat substitute. Turned out they didn't but while I was here anyway, might as well get some fish tacos for the 2nd night in a row, but this time at Rubio's. Not going to worry about the carbs in the tortillas so much.  Not anymore for a bit I don't think. And then I went on home and watched some more YouTube videos. Yeah it turned out to be a pretty quiet Saturday after all. And after this morning I'm not complaining at all. 

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