Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Town Hall Wednesday

So in almost 9 years working at QueensCare, I can remember maybe once or twice that I had ever gone in to work earlier than 8 AM. What possesse me to come in by 7:50 today I asked myself. It is TOWN HALL Wednesday but it's the webinar format one and I'm not coming on until way later, past 9 AM. AND the host practice session wasn't until 8:15. AND I didn't have Johnnie to drop off at 8 AM, which was my big concern. Things around these Town Halls always seem to work themselves out though. I have never been late to one in more than a year, despite having to drop off Johnnie in the middle of the school year. Today I got here so early I had to go to the cafeteria to get some eggs and bacon for breakfast. Yep, bacon. Remember, just a tad more fat in my diet so I don't burn muscle. AND I brought my own tea from home. Kept me from being hungry. Funny how I take a lot of selfies when Johnnie isn't around LOL. This one showing a mostly empty FRB when I got there and made myself some tea. I remember getting to the office around 9:20ish AM and then heading right up to the cafeteria to get breakfast LOL.  As far as the town hall itself, it was uneventful really. We had had a successful year, or at least the Health Centers did. They met their visit goal, which to me was symbolic in a positive way since we NEVER usually meet the visit goal and that number the leaders put out there seemed arbitrary in the past. As in do we really care if we know we're not going to hit it? This year we did hit it. So there's that. I stuck around the FRB after the meeting got done. I think I'm going to come in on Wednesdays anyway and treat it like a change-of-scenery day. I mean even downtown has changed some in 2 years. And so the rest of this post I'm simply going to do pictures to highlight what turned out to be a pretty good day. 

I remember how pretty Grand Hope Park is during spring and summer.

For lunch I walked to 7th and Fig to Pizza Studio and got a cauliflower crust pizza with sausage onion and pineapple. How many of these did I eat 2+ years ago!! <but not with cauliflower crust LOL LOL>

And then after lunch I got a treat. Johnnie called me on FaceTIME from Santa Barbara and we had a nice little chat. Aww, my Little Bug wanted to see me! So happy was I to talk to him and see all the rocks he was about to take home to add to his collection LOL LOL.

Finally at the end of the day I realized that this day turned into a pretty good day actually. And I think it was because I had a high vibration since yesterday. And I remember feeling that day when I took an evening walk. And so I did it again tonight. Walked around the neighborhood. Earlier than yesterday so it was a little warmer. it IS summer after all. Still very much pleasant, it was almost meditative. Listening to the rustling of the leaves, being present. Doesn't get much more present than that. It WAS a very good day.

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