Friday, July 1, 2022

Pulling Stuff Out Of My Ass Friday

It is Friday, the first day of July. This being a Friday I was focused more on a tweak to the usual routine. Today is the first Friday Johnnie is going to Penmar camp and instead of Lisa dropping boy and dog to my apartment, I am going over there to drop Johnnie off from her house. Sounded reasonable. Except obviously I had to make sure my shields were up and I don't engage into another emotional swordfight with Lisa. It was 8 AM when I got there, Lisa was making Johnnie breakfast and he was all set to go actually, keeping to our 8 AM routine for sure. It was fairly uneventful, with the exception that Lisa allowed herself to run late and now had to tell me to do the dishes. Tell, not ask mind you. I had to laugh at hearing "I'm going to let you to the dishes". And then snarkily brushed Johnnie's teeth because she simply didn't trust me to do it right. Whatever the fuck that means. She didn't actually say that, that's what I felt. Fortunately I was able to brush all that aside as Lisa being Lisa combined with EVERYTHING is ME pushed out. What the heck am I pushing out though? What do I need to clear internally? I do realize I didn't do my usual meditation session(s) and audio-listening sessions this morning. And later on I would forget to book a tee time for next week Sunday as well. What happened to me? Why am I off balance? Turned out that I didn't have time to think about it, nor did i have time to catch up on any of those activities. Because as soon as I went back home, I noticed in my calendar that the FRB Monthly Birthday celebration is today. And I.S. is hosting this month. SHIT SHIT SHIT. I didn't have anything ready. Fortunately, I did have an idea for an activity from earlier in the week. That was to do a breakout about getting the people in the rooms to talk about something they all had in common. And then I would get them to report it after the breakout. I thought it was a great idea to keep to the theme of finding interesting stuff about your co-workers. After all, I used to do exactly that except that I had to find out these truths individually. It took time. That and of course I had the July 4th trivia game idea from Kennedy. Except I was stuck testing platforms to use this morning. The material was easy enough and I compiled 12 questions pretty quickly. I eventually settled on doing it via Microsoft Forms and got a bunch of them ready to go. With this game and the breakout rooms I was confident I had enough material for at least a half hour. of get-together time.
And so as it turned out it actually went ok. It was not smooth, not smooth at all. But the activity kind of worked. And it the meeting lasted 45 minutes! Considering I didn't even really prepare anything until this morning, it felt good that i could actually pull an entire presentation like this out of my ass in just a few hours even if it's just for the FRB Birthday thing. I will remind myself the last time I had to do it, I had to do the old Bad Frog Good Frog game out of my ass and that time it was a disaster LOL. Today was ok in comparison. After that FINALLY I could call it a day. This is, after all, the Friday before another 3-day weekend. The 4th of July weekend. Johnnie is supposedly spending a chunk of this weekend with Feifei and her kids <his brothers> after finally getting settled on what days they could go down and visit. In my mind I had today and hopefully Lisa will let me come for breakfast tomorrow and I will have missed Johnnie for less than a week. This afternoon I picked him up and off we went to do a replay of last Friday's dinner. That would be picking up Johnnie's dinner at Panda Express, and picking up my dinner at Poquito Mas (a couple of fish tacos). Yeah Yeah I ate the tortillas. How much harm could a couple of tortillas do? I kept Johnnie until 8:30. Lisa had already mentioned yesterday that she was more than likely going to work until late tonight. Which would be a good reason to do more energy shield work prior to seeing her. It did not go well, the last time we did this a weeks ago. But hopefully I will have learned my lesson from it. See the pic I posted of Johnnie brushing his teeth. I gave him a shower and got him in bed and as usual he was asleep inside of 5 minutes. I let myself half-doze off too, reminding myself that the reason I was so irritated that Lisa worked until late last week was... I was actually looking for a pissing contest to see who could control who. I mean do I really care? It's not like I was going to bed immediately as I came home anyway. I was simply annoyed she didn't and doesn't take my time into account. And I watched that premise get turned around on me that I don't take her into account.  Narcissists. As it turned out she did work until late. 10 PM this time. But this time, I convinced myself to be ok with it. I didn't have any plans tomorrow. When she came home I heard her rustling about in the kitchen. I went downstairs, asked if she was good. She told me good night and off I went. I'm sure she wasn't good. That's the reason she stays late in the first place. But hey, at least she didn't have poison negative energy emanating out of her like last week. She just seemed tired. I could hear Johnnie 'mi mama esta cansada' LOL. I didn't go right to bed. I watched TV. Episodes of the new Chris Pratt series the Terminal List on Amazon Prime.  I fell asleep on the couch actually. I'm glad the weekend is here.

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