Friday, July 22, 2022

Definitely A Tank Day

Today I headed out to Lisa's house early (as in 8 AM early) expecting to pick up the dog and drop Johnnie off at Penmar. That did not happen, although today at least it felt like it was Johnnie's idea to hang out with his mom at her office. They did it last week and I think Lisa was concerned he'd be too bored. But it worked out and so they agreed to do it again I guess. Johnnie went on and on about a new schedule, which is why I thought this was his idea in the first place. And that's ok too. Whether he's at camp or at Lisa's really doesn't make much difference to me. This morning, I did notice he still hadn't showered. And so I gave him a quick shower and that would be my bond time with him for today LOL. Lisa even made me breakfast (Sour dough toast and jam) and then left me with the dishes to wash. Ay Lisa. She still lapses into moments when she might think we're still married and I still live here.  On a day I remember moving out 4 years ago almost to the day. That irony was not lost on me. This morning I figured I'd sort of 'celebrate' that by taking a shower right there at Lisa's. And poop too. After all I'm not sure what's going on with another bathtub clog yesterday. I remember showering in the lower bathroom for months until the upstairs was done when we first got the house. Hadn't showered down there in years! Got a nice shower in today. And then  I drove back to the apartment, got me a couple of sausage McMuffins (I didn't eat the bread, I already had enough carbs with the sourdough toast) and made myself some nice hot green tea. And just chillaxed the morning away. I remember a week ago I was stewing because my toilet and then my bathtub was clogged and I was home waiting for Hugo the maintenance guy to come. And I was wondering how I was going to pee. And IF I was going to deal with bloody pee at that?! Weird Friday. Much better one today. I enjoyed my hot tea and took my time, watched the latest episode of the OLD MAN, and then made me some nice vegetarian chili for lunch using the pea protein grounds I got last week. This version of meatless beef worked out pretty well I thought. I found another plant-based meat for my bolognese sauce! I didn't do too many audios this morning. I thought I'd simply let my body find a balance. What I did not do is look at anything work-related. Which made it a TANK DAY. I only had that Salesforce meeting on Fridays to deal and I had that cancelled yesterday. Oh and did I mention today was payday? Officially this morning I had reached over $100K in cash saved up! It's going to go down by a few thousand until next payday of course because of rent and all. <I'm wondering if all this toilet clogging stuff was because I should have gone to a different place to rent.. or maybe BUY?>. Oh and as I mentioned  I did have another bathtub clog yesterday, but the plumber came this morning in a much timelier fashion and got everything unclogged and I didn't have to deal with any mess at all. After lunch I gave myself a haircut. Looked pretty scraggly with the hair and all. By now I have gotten pretty good at cutting my own hair.   Hey, it's Friday. How many Friday afternoons did I walk over to Supercuts on Grand and Hill and get my cut of the month LOL?! Hey, this way I save myself $25! And it turned out just fine as far as I was concerned. And it still was mid-afternoon. Without needing to pick up Johnnie anywhere today I sort of took my time and when ahead and did grocery shopping. I did Sprouts and then Centinela Feed to pick up food for Claire, and then did Ralphs. And got done before 5 PM. Again I had memories of the early pandemic when I would line up at Trader Joe's at 3 PM on a Friday afternoon just so I could be sure I had groceries LOL. Seems so long ago but it wasn't. Later on I would get a call from Lisa. They were done and headed home so they wanted to pick up Claire. It was 5:30. After I recovered from the shock, I said it was ok of course. Lisa even said that they had already had dinner and had gone to Michael's. See? now THAT is normal. Maybe it IS a good idea for Johnnie to be at Lisa's office. It forces her to not be so consumed with everything work and force her to think like a mom. After handing Claire over I realized that I too had a way different Friday than usual. But not an unfamiliar one. I went to Poquito Mas for my ahi tuna salad dinner. And then went home to finish my 11,000 steps and at least 60 active minutes. I actually got to 70 and noted I'm already at 420 and it's just Friday. I'm back to normal! And I got a nice meditative walk around the neighborhood in too. I remember when I first moved in and I would spend my Friday nights like this. No Johnnie <Lisa had Friday off then> so just a nice dinner and Netflix. Tonight I did some Netflix <Virgin River new episodes> but really it was just nice to have a TANK DAY. And mostly ME DAY. Gave the Universe lots of gratitude for that.

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