Wednesday, June 29, 2022

What Just Happened?

So today was slated to be the busiest day of the week, if only for the Leadership Summit scheduled for this afternoon in person at the LA Cathedral. I was already prepping myself to hurry my ass out of there and on to pick up Johnnie by 4:30 just so I could get him to Spanish class at 5 PM. Only that meeting actually lasts until 4:30, which means I have to find a way to get butt out early. As it turned out, Lisa texted me this morning REquESTING that I do the Spanish class at her house today because her friend Melissa, Johnie's friend Simon's mom wanted to see the class in person. I was actually thinking I was going to have to do just that just to get to the class on time. Do it at Lisa's house I meant. And so right after I dropped Johnnie off, I headed went home, had a quick breakfast and got dressed and headed downtown to the FRB. If I'm going to go to the LA Cathedral anyway, might as well get an early start. AND already be downtown. I could just do my morning meetings from the FRB. When I got there, it appeared that everyone had the same idea. Marina was there, Emma drove in all the way from Menifee, heck even my boss Dennis was there. I hadn't seen him in person in months! And then out of the blue, Dennis comes out and says he just got a text that the Leadership Meeting had just been cancelled. I mean.. what? A quick check of my texts showed that I had gotten the same message. I just found out that Eloisa is home with COVID and now everyone is a little wiggy again with getting infected with the thing, hence the quick and abrupt cancellation. I will not argue with that obviously, considering one of my own team is home recuperating himself. The Directors sort of congregated among ourselves and joked about the whole thing actually. Apparently, our lunch had just gotten delivered in fact LOL. Can we still drive over there and at least get a free lunch? I wondered out loud. WE all had the same prevailing question... what do we do now? For me, that answer was pretty simple. I still had a team meeting to do (which I did) and then just like the last couple of Wednesdays when I popped in to the FRB, I just planned on having lunch downtime. Gone was the urgency of rushing to pick up Johnnie from camp to get to Spanish class. Although I did commit to going to Lisa's house already for that and I didn't see the need to change that. As it turned out, my old lunch buddy Faith was here too. And so she and I headed out. I had every intention of sticking to my new eating patterns too, even though she had it in her mind she wanted to eat at Colori Kitchen. That's fine with me. I could cheat with a little pasta. Besides, per Lisa no dinner tonight so Wednesday is cheat day anyway and I won't have to do it later. I'll make up for it by cheating at lunch. You know it wasn't like I broke every rule even. I had salmon and Caesar salad, so the Caesar dressing was what broke it. Ok Ok, also all the bread I ate. They have such good bread. With olive oil and balsamic vinegarette, it was hard not to touch the thing. And boy I ate at least a huge slice worth.  I could FEEL the rush of carbs in my body afterwards LOL. That's ok. I headed on out and on home right after lunch. All of a sudden the busy WEdnesday turned into almost a TANK day huh? What a turnaround. There was no rush to do much of anything now, even those invoice tasks Eloisa had asked to get done the last couple of days. I just relaxed the rest of the afternoon away until it was time to get Johnnie. And then we went on to Lisa's house, and Melissa did come to check out Johnnie in action with his teacher Hayil. She got into advanced stuff too. Jobs and professions. I'm sure Lisa had a hoot when the job dentist came up and Johnnie immediately said his mom was a dentist in Spanish. Very good Johnnie! yes Lisa came home early shock of shocks.Turned out she and Melissa were doing their walk early. This is what gets my goat when she makes us wait all hours to go to dinner and she will change her schedule on a dime when it is for other people. But who is bugging now? Not I LOL. Just Lisa being Lisa. Johnnie and I went on home, I made him chicken noodle soup and got him fried chicken for dinner I made myself some salmon... so salmon twice today. No carbs this time. I think I made up for it. I didn't feel so bloated in the evening. Maybe it's because I did some walking too and got to 280 active minutes for the last 3 days. I'm at recent benchmark. Got to 11,000+ steps pretty easily. AND got johnnie to go to bed early too. He has a big day tomorrow. Field trip day to the Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific. I am EXCITED for him!!

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